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Are we being moved to tears more than 20 years ago?


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In the media and in your own personal circle of friends and acquaintances, are you seeing this more than, say let's ten or twenty years ago? I'm not talking about grief or tears of desperation but rather tears of joy or people being touched to the point of tears.


I am not passing judgement on whether this is good or bad but feel free to comment and take this thread in any direction.


I'm just wondering if it's just me who sees people shedding these tears more often or if others see this phenomena too.

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Well, I am. Tears are never all that far away these days. For one thing, I got older and became a mother, which made me more sensitive about things happening to other people. Then it's just been a tough few years and, I don't know, my heart's been broken a bit? It's to the point that I don't even care as much if somebody sees--until very recently my feeling was that I'd rather die than have somebody see me cry!


Maybe we've all just been having a tough time for a while now?

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20 years ago? I guess that I would have to say that back then my personal circle of friends and I were doing a lot more crying. We were a bunch of 20 year old college girls and we cried a lot. We also laughed a lot more than we do now. We also stayed up all night a lot more, lost our car keys a lot more, got new boy friends a lot more etc, etc.

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In the media and in your own personal circle of friends and acquaintances, are you seeing this more than, say let's ten or twenty years ago?



I can't say that I have. My mother has always been one to tear up, and she still does. I'm not, and I wasn't 20 years ago either.


I've always known weepy people and non-weepy people, and I haven't noticed any change in the proportion of weepers.


It may be that media depictions (both fictional and in journalism) have changed over the years. I'll have to think about that.

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Maybe I don't watch what you watch. I don't think in the media on emotional issues. I hang out in groups of people who are emotionally wrought upon more than your average hard-hearted Archie Bunker so I've been seeing people cry or tear up because someone was so nice to them for years.

As for myself, I have always been a big cry baby over most things but there was that period of time where I did not cry. (Two years ago, major surgery, had a numbing effect). rather funny actually.

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For myself, I am much less emotional that I was 20 years ago.


Broadly, no, I haven't noticed that. Growing up attending church I remember seeing tears often. I came to see that sort of emotional display as attention seeking. Outside of that specific environment, I have hardly ever seen anyone cry. Maybe occasionally at a wedding or funeral.

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