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Recommendations for phonics-based readers (books and Kindle)

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Can anyone recommend any series of books for beginner readers that are strictly phonics-based?


Ds6's Montessori school does not send any readers home, so I am searching in the library for readers for him. Most of the early readers series I am finding are not strictly phonics-based. I already own the first 5 sets of Bob Books. With dd it was enough to go through these, then move her onto 'real' books. Ds, however, likes to be able to do things right before he tries for the first time, if you know what I mean! We will need to read a lot of early readers before moving on.


I am ideally looking for a series that moves from CVC to consonant digraphs and double vowel sounds (ch, sh, th, ee, oo etc) and introduces vowel digraphs slowly. At the moment the series I have found that meet my needs include Bob Books, Espresso Phonics, Fitzroy Readers and Reading Corner Phonics, but I'm going to need more than just those with ds's quirky learning personality.


I would love to find some early readers for the Kindle as well, if anyone has recommendations.





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Thanks, Rosie. I hadn't heard of these before. They aren't as systematic as the Bob Books and Fitzroy Readers (e.g. introducing 'I' and 'see' in the first book) but do move slowly enough to encourage ds. He seemed to enjoy the book we read tonight. I found the books for download as PDFs, which are readable in Kindle or iBook. They're the original 1972 version, though: I understand that they've subsequently been revised. Here is the link in case anyone else is interested: http://www.marriottmd.com/sam/index.html

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Thanks to everyone who had recommendations! I will definitely get some of the online options. Of the others, none are available in our local library system, which was my hope. I think I'm going to buy a couple of sets from Nora Gaydos's series - these seem closest to what I had in mind.


We're on our summer break now, and I have ds reading two books to me each day, as well as reading on his own (when he chooses from the very simplest of the readers). It's amazing to watch his confidence grow so quickly.

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