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Book a Week in 2013 - week one

Robin M

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:toetap05: Wow, you guys are just chatting up a storm.... Now stop. Just for a few minutes. I'm working on the new thread and all conversation for today will need to transferred over there. However, the board is giving me issues and keeps throwing me out when I try to do more than two tabs and I just lost the complete post. :banghead: . So please have patience and please stand by.

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I'm currently on book 3 of the Abram's Daughters series by Beverley Lewis. The books follow the lives of a Plain Amish family in the 40s/50s. They are each about 350 pages, and a very light read. I've finished the first 2 in less than two days...thanks to the Kindle app for Ipad and a nursing baby!


Next up...something with a little more substance I hope.

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I'm currently on book 3 of the Abram's Daughters series by Beverley Lewis. The books follow the lives of a Plain Amish family in the 40s/50s. They are each about 350 pages, and a very light read. I've finished the first 2 in less than two days...thanks to the Kindle app for Ipad and a nursing baby!


Next up...something with a little more substance I hope.



Please post in week two. Thank you.

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I loved Shanghai Girls. You must read the follow up novel, Dreams of Joy. I did not want either of these books to end. I found the historical parts of both books very interesting and am looking forward to reading Snowflower and the Secret Fan by the same author, sometime this year.


Snowflower is AMAZING!! It's my favorite book of hers.

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Finished this week on my bed with all my kids. My oldest was reading Wuthering Heights. My dd was reading Insurgent. My youngest Call of the Wild. I was reading a poker book, but only because my own Wuthering Heights was in the car from when I was in the ER with my DH (who was admitted again).


It was a moment of former homeschooler/English teacher/mommy heaven.


As far was wrapping up the week, I am to Chapter 15 in Wuthering Heights, nearly finished with Whale Done and also The 8th Habit (those on audio).

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Finished this week on my bed with all my kids. My oldest was reading Wuthering Heights. My dd was reading Insurgent. My youngest Call of the Wild. I was reading a poker book, but only because my own Wuthering Heights was in the car from when I was in the ER with my DH (who was admitted again).


It was a moment of former homeschooler/English teacher/mommy heaven.


As far was wrapping up the week, I am to Chapter 15 in Wuthering Heights, nearly finished with Whale Done and also The 8th Habit (those on audio).


continue conversation in new thread please.

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I'll happily admit to reading drivel. You should join.

That said, I think I'm going to try to read Anne of Green Gables this month. Shamefully, I've never read it. I picked up the audio book Anne of the Island for $1 at a yardsale last summer, but I want to read the first two books in the series before I listen to it.

I'm interested to hear how people use audiobooks, too. The only time I've really listened to audiobooks is on long road trips with the family.



Thanks for the encouragement.


I am Reading AGG series this month too. I loved it as a girl, but I never knew there were 6 books in the series. I'd only ever read the first 3. I bought them for my daughter , who reads nonstop, about 5 years ago but I've never been able to convincer her shed like them. She is more of a fantasy girl.


Britches? :) Or it's possibly not a book that I'm familiar with.

Pshaw! We've got everything on this list. Tasteless drivel, high literature, romance, graphic murder mysteries, epic religious tomes, YA. Everything. You read what you want to read and them come back and tell us all about it.

One of the number one rules for readers is to never feel like you have to defend your taste in books. Besides a lot of us here are big fans of drivel so we're always looking for recommendations!



It not that I don't love high quality literature it just takes longer to get thru than I've got time.

It's been interesting reading this list for me because I'm kind of the opposite--a fact I'm not exactly proud of!--and my standards in what is worth my reading time are so high that I get bogged down and don't end up reading anything. I don't have a book budget but we have thousands of books already. Most of them are non-fiction chunksters or kids books But there are several in the middle that I finally pulled off the shelves for my 52 books shelf just so that I could have some hope of meeting the goal. These are good books, I'm sure, but they are light fiction and things that I would have considered a "waste of time" before. But I'm slowly realizing that there is probably a lot of great modern stuff out there and it would do me some good to get into it.

Kind of how we'll let our reluctant reader kids read kid magazines or comic books or, just, anything, sometimes to get them in to the habit of enjoyable reading, I think that just setting up a pile of whatever looks fun whether it be drivel or YA or 19th century classics we've read a million times, it all keeps us in the habit of reading. Which then opens the door to reading really challenging things when we have the time and mental space for it. Does that make sense?

Anyway--I'm new to this but I think I've already seen how good this challenge is at broadening reading horizons in all directions.



This is one of the reasons I read the drivel. I enjoy it, but more so they are typically quick reads. Some day I will have time to read quality literature again. My youngest is 4 so it shall be awhile. ;-)


So since you all are convincing me to join here's what I've got:


Currently reading

1. Anne of Green Gables

2. Kingdom Keepers 4 - Power Play - Ridley Pearson

3. Justin Morgan Had a Horse (read aloud with DS)


Finished (Started both in 2012)

1. A Christmas Carol (Audio book)

2. Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It


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Thanks for the encouragement.


I am Reading AGG series this month too. I loved it as a girl, but I never knew there were 6 books in the series. I'd only ever read the first 3. I bought them for my daughter , who reads nonstop, about 5 years ago but I've never been able to convincer her shed like them. She is more of a fantasy girl.




It not that I don't love high quality literature it just takes longer to get thru than I've got time.



This is one of the reasons I read the drivel. I enjoy it, but more so they are typically quick reads. Some day I will have time to read quality literature again. My youngest is 4 so it shall be awhile. ;-)


So since you all are convincing me to join here's what I've got:


Currently reading

1. Anne of Green Gables

2. Kingdom Keepers 4 - Power Play - Ridley Pearson

3. Justin Morgan Had a Horse (read aloud with DS)


Finished (Started both in 2012)

1. A Christmas Carol (Audio book)

2. Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It




Nicolae - copy this over to week two's thread and continue the conversation over there please.

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