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Teachers Lounge 12-14-12


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It's Friday!


Pardon the dust. I have my own test due by the end of the day so I'm digging for the rest of the answers!


Anyone want to buy me a Starbucks or a coffee from QT?

Maybe a donut? I need all the help I can get!


I'm tempted to take the kids to a movie this afternoon and just hang out in the lobby to study

but the boy is recovering from his fever yesterday so that probably won't happen.


Feel free to pray for me!


What's happening on this Friday for you?


Talk to me! :coolgleamA:

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Party - Today is all about getting ready for dd's birthday party tomorrow. Parachutes to make, floors to vacuum, dog poo to pick up. I get all the glamourus jobs. I don't even have vanilla for the cake frosting. It will all come together by noon tomorrow.


Now, down't you have something you're supposed to be doing?

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Hey, Scrap!


Rare, rainy Friday here in the desert. I love the rain and break from the sun, but the barometric pressure has given me a headache. Boo!


I'm heading out in a couple minutes for a homeschool bowling meet up. It's not my group (I don't have one) but a friend of mine will be there. She's newly back to the United States from overseas and I'm so glad she got stationed back here, if only for a little while.


We were planning on hitting a park after bowling. Bummer. We'll probably just hang out at my house or hers.


I have to pick up a few groceries on the way home.


Ds9 wants to go to TKD sparring tonight, so I'll probably stay home and take my new Kitchenaid mixer for a spin! (See my other thread about my amazing gift!)


I think I'll be starting the cookie dough for ginger snaps and chocolate crinkles. Yum!


Enjoy your Friday! I hope you get a good grade on your test and your little one feels better~!

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I am now headed down the street (like maybe a mile away) to one of many local Starbucks to study for a couple of hours.

Many days I can manage to study here but on a high pressure day like today the noise at Starbucks is white noise to me

whereas any sound at home I am WAY tuned into to be able to concentrate.


My son is feeling mostly better. And since dd14 is here, too, I asked him if he would mind if I left for a couple of ours.

He assured me that was fine. So off I go!

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QT...ahhh, I love QT. I wish the closest one wasn't 20 minutes away.


I started my day at 12:01 watching The Hobbit, slept in, and we're doing no school. I've been working on Christmas craft gifts. I've been trying to load pictures and am having a horrible time trying to do it. I've been making cup cozies for some friends, felt book marks, and tile coasters.

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