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Dr Hive- lump in 2yo's neck?


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My 2 yo was saying her neck hurt last night and wanted a band-aid, since she is in love with band-aids right now I didn't think much about it. This morning however, DH pulled me out of the shower because while he was getting DD dressed he found a lump in her neck.


It's in the lower back left side of her neck, probably the size of a marble. It is movable and she says it hurts, but has no problem letting us touch it. I have set up an appt for the dr, but we've only just moved to town and never seen this dr before so I'm a little anxious. Plus, we can't be seen until 4:30.


From googling, it sounds like lumps in children can be common, however this is not where any lymph nodes are, that I'm aware of.


So, anyone able to chime in with some experience/assurances?

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There are lymph nodes in the part of the neck, judging from your description. The neck nodes pretty much are scattered from behind our ears all the way to our collarbones. It's pretty common for them to swell and feel like a marble in little kids from the slightest infection, even if the kid doesn't seem otherwise sick. It's happened quite a few times with my boys and it was never anything. A few times they came down with something a few days later, but more often the nodes did their job and the swelling went down after a couple of days and the boys never developed any type of discernible illness. See the doctor, but try not to worry about it!

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DS6 has had one just like that since about the same age. It is very common, as some lymph nodes do their job but then don't drain and become hard. DS6's is believed to be one that enlarged due to an ear infection. Try not to worry!




Thank you. Was it painful? DD is saying her neck, where the lump is, hurts.

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It's a lymph node. Either fighting an infection elsewhere, or it's become infected itself. The fact that it's movable and painful is a good sign. The doctor will probably give you some antibiotics. Don't fidget with it....that can prevent it from returning to normal size. Young children have swollen lymph nodes all the time. The doctor will be able to tell you if it's anything concerning....it almost always isn't.

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Ds6 also has one, and the doctors are not worried. He's recently been ill and it seems to have enlarged. They can stay for years, though, so don't expect it to go when your dd's infection goes. Glad it is nothing to worry about.


Aren't bumps and lumps terrifying? Ds also has a lump on his lip the size of a large 'ball' pinhead. Luckily the pediatric dentist who looked at it insisted we wait to remove it (if only because it takes 4 months to get another appointment with him), as it has now disappeared. My mind was yelling 'Get that thing off my baby!!'

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