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I need your best pie crust recipe!


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This is my favorite: http://www.joyofbaking.com/ApplePie.html - It has lots of butter, so you know it's good ;). It is the only pie crust I've had that I genuinely *liked* :).


Also, general things that help re: making the crust - really keep it cold. All those places where they say to use ice water or cold butter or let it set in the fridge before working with it - they really mean it :giggle.

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Saran Wrap. It doesn't matter what recipe you use, but in order to keep it from getting too tough, roll it out between sheets of saran wrap or parchement paper. You get it nice and thin and flaky but don't have to deal with it sticking to the rolling pin. Just peel, flip, peel. All good.

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Wow, thanks for all the help, ladies!

I have been rendering my own lard and we have lovely pasture butter, so I have the good fats covered.

Chx pot pie tomorrow night. Hoping for crust that is tender and flaky as well as tasty!

I'll report back when I've experimented with your suggestions!

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Vodka. The secret is vodka. You take a few swigs of the vodka, and then you don't care how the crust turns out.




Ok, seriously, you can substitute some of the water with vodka. The vodka doesn't let the gluten in the flour develop the way water does. It makes the crusty flaky and not tough. The alcohol should cook off. Cook's Illustrated had an article on it with a recipe.


Recipe using vodka is here.


As a bonus, I find it easier to work with because it's a bit wetter. I always used to have trouble getting the crust to hold together unless I put in too much water and worked it too much.

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the vodka trick. You replace half the water with vodka. It wets the pastry but doesn't activate the formation of gluten. It also makes the crust very easy to work with.


I have always made good crust, but the vodka took it to a whole different level. Like, a pastry chef begged me for my secret kind of level.

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