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prayer request


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I'm going in a few hours to try to have my IUD placed, again. The first time my cervix was VERY VERY far back and tipped funny and after several attemps (with 3 speculums, no lube, and some pulling on my cervix with a pointy tenaculum) we had to just say maybe next time. I hate this. It is bad enough when the OB/GYN has had to get on her knees in the exam room to try to visualize my cervix for a pap smear, at least that didn't hurt very much. This was quite painful, and last time I forgot to take ibuprofen first, as advised. This time I'll take 800 milligrams of ibuprofen, and she is going to put me up higher and we are just hoping my cervix is in a better position.


If you could please pray that one, it can be accomplished as my husband is not interested in tEA untill this is done, and two, that it doesn't hurt too badly? Oh, and thirdly that my children, who are coming with me, behave themselves. (13 year old will not be with me, just the younger two. )


Thank you.

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This is none of my business, but if your dh isn't interested in teA until this is done, why isn't he the one at the doctor for a little procedure? :glare:


Obviously, if you're thinking of having more kids in the future, having him get The Big V isn't an option, but otherwise, why should you be the one to have to deal with this?

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This is none of my business, but if your dh isn't interested in teA until this is done, why isn't he the one at the doctor for a little procedure? :glare:


Obviously, if you're thinking of having more kids in the future, having him get The Big V isn't an option, but otherwise, why should you be the one to have to deal with this?


He has totally offered. But I'm not 100 percent sure I'm ready for us to be done, so I offered to do the IUD, instead of him getting the big V.


However..it didn't work.


The ibuprofen helped some I guess, and she was able to visualize and grab the cervix, but the cervix was closed too tight. Still hurt like heck, i'm having cramping now, and nothing to show for it. I have to go back whenever I get my period, which will be a few months at least. Earliest was 7months post partum. In the meantime going to have to get DH to agree to condoms I guess. I hate the whole thing. All that discomfort to avoid a baby?? Labor pain to GET a baby at least has a great reward at the end. blech.

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Oh, I'm so sorry! Sounds terrible! I also have a high cervix, making cervical checks feel more like tonsil checks and I can't imagine the pain of trying to have an IUD put in place. Have you ever tried depo provera? Just a shot, non invasive!




yup, it made me suicidal almost, and I gained 15lbs in a month. I'm normally the happiest, most optimistic person you will ever meet. The depression it caused was scary.

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Gotcha. Just a note to say that my dr. told me the failure rate is only 3-5% for those who use it correctly each and every time and use it with spermicidal jelly. I'm just making myself feel better for having recommended it. :)


Ah...yeah....that's too high for my husband. Plus, I forgot to say that spermicide and I don't get along, it burns me. (found that out when I tried the sponge..yowsa!)

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