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Help! Possible bead up the nose and they're talking about surgery?!

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Yesterday my 3.5 year old came up to me and told me that he put a bead up his nose and that it hurt. He has never said or done anything like that before, so we decided to take him to the ER (the call in advice nurse said to take him there instead of rapid care.) 5 hours later we were sent home because we couldn't get him still enough to take a clear x-ray. They refereed us to a nose an ear specialist. The ER doc told me they would sedate him and go up his nose with tools to try to find it. But when I called the specialists' office the nurse (?) told me that they wouldn't do that at the appointment, they would just try to hold him down (which did NOT work last night trying to get the x-ray) and examine to see if surgery is necessary! How did it get to that?! We're not even sure there is anything up there at all!!


Please, anyone BTDT? :crying:


UPDATE: The specialist said that there is only a 20% chance that there is a bead up there. He thinks ds might have a bacteria infection and took a culture. He wants to put ds on antibiotics and see him in 10 days. I'm putting off starting the antibiotics until the culture comes back.

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My dd put a bead up her nose when she was 3, and the doc said she would only need surgery if it went down I to her lungs. He was able to fish it out. Maybe your an could be sedated for an X-ray?


That's what I was hoping for. He tried, bless his heart, at first. If they could have done it with his head to the side it would have been fine. But they needed his face right down on the sheet/table top and after 10 minutes (after 4 hours waiting in the ER :glare: ) he was done and started kicking and screaming. It was after dinnertime (which we didn't have because we were waiting in the ER) and almost bedtime by the time they tried. But I think after last night he is going to be very uncooperative today. :sad:

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When my daughter was the same age she put a bead up her nose. We were making the 6 hour drive home from a camping trip and we were in the middle of no where. We called our pediatrician, who advised us to go to the nearest ER, as it could turn into a more severe situation. We ended up turning around to drive back to the nearest small town. My dd was hysterical, and they had to wrap her in a sheet to keep her arms from flailing. It took my dh, myself, and two nurses to hold her down while the ER doctor used alligator tweezers to extract the bead. It was very far up, but he got it. It was a traumatic experience.


I am sorry you have to go through this. I would act sooner, rather than later, to see if surgery can be avoided. Good luck!


FWIW, my dd had never done anything like that before either. We were driving along and she suddenly stared crying and told us there was a bead in her nose.

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Yesterday my 3.5 year old came up to me and told me that he put a bead up his nose and that it hurt. He has never said or done anything like that before, so we decided to take him to the ER (the call in advice nurse said to take him there instead of rapid care.) 5 hours later we were sent home because we couldn't get him still enough to take a clear x-ray. They refereed us to a nose an ear specialist. The ER doc told me they would sedate him and go up his nose with tools to try to find it. But when I called the specialists' office the nurse (?) told me that they wouldn't do that at the appointment, they would just try to hold him down (which did NOT work last night trying to get the x-ray) and examine to see if surgery is necessary! How did it get to that?! We're not even sure there is anything up there at all!!


Please, anyone BTDT? :crying:



I think the term "surgery" may have been used as in "we sedate him and if we have to cut something open to get it out, we will."

Honestly, I would not worry too much about it. Take it a step at a time and see if they can "fish" it out IF something is even there.

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Ummm, {blushing}, I was the kid who put something up my nose long ago. It was a gum wrapper, not a bead, and I was 2 years old. My mom was very pregnant with my little brother, and when she came waddling into the ER everyone thought she was in labor. Apparently it was very traumatic for me at the time, but I have no memory of it now.


This too shall pass.


Edited to fix typo. :D

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UPDATE: The specialist said that there is only a 20% chance that there is a bead up there. He thinks ds might have a bacteria infection and took a culture. He wants to put ds on antibiotics and see him in 10 days. I'm putting off starting the antibiotics until the culture comes back.


Unless you needle a sinus through the skin and bone, the culture can miss an infection deeper in. I wouldn't take a "no growth" culture done through the nostril as reliable.

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Did you/they try blocking the other nostril and blowing in his mouth?



This is exactly what they had me do at Children's Hospital when my 3yo dd stuck cooked kraft macaroni noodles up her nose. They had me blow out what I could, which was quite a bit, but she had sucked some of it so far up there they had to use pediatric ENT tools and two types of suction to get the rest out.

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My kid did that at the same age, with a small button! She was sitting on my knee, at my desk, and suddenly said to me, "Oh, no, Mommy, I put your button up my nose!" She tried to recant a few minutes later, but it was too late. It was her first ER visit.


But our ER must be pretty laid-back, because they just checked her for respiratory distress in case it had headed to the lungs, and said she must have swallowed it. She never got any symptoms of it being stuck in her sinus cavity or in her lungs.


Did I inspect to make sure it, uh, came through? Nope. I wonder if I should have done so!

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My kid did that at the same age, with a small button! She was sitting on my knee, at my desk, and suddenly said to me, "Oh, no, Mommy, I put your button up my nose!" She tried to recant a few minutes later, but it was too late. It was her first ER visit.


But our ER must be pretty laid-back, because they just checked her for respiratory distress in case it had headed to the lungs, and said she must have swallowed it. She never got any symptoms of it being stuck in her sinus cavity or in her lungs.


Did I inspect to make sure it, uh, came through? Nope. I wonder if I should have done so!



My former-EMT FIL said that it's possible it went through whatever that passage between your nose and your throat is and ds swallowed it. He's not saying it hurts anymore. :001_unsure: I can keep an eye out for it passing.

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