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Early Readers like BOB Books?


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DS liked the Word Bird books (By Jane Belk Moncure) after the Bob books. Our library had the whole set. The first one are very simple, they just introduce the themed compound words with one word per page, but he liked to read those to himself because he felt awesome reading big words without help. The later books have full sentences and tell a story, but word bird breaks apart the complex word parts into pieces that he fits together to make the word.

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I Can Read! (HarperCollins) has come out with "Phonics Fun" box sets that are similiar to Bob Books. I've reviewed a couple of them and they are not all on the same level. http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/tag/phonics/ There is another one we're working through right now with Little Critter and those are early readers too. Still not quite as "simple" as Bob Books, but they are neat.

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Here's the Veritas readers link. The guy at our local HS bookstore (Exodus Books) says they are at their best in books 4-10.




I'm ordering those Nora Gaydos books and we do have the I Can Read! books that have several books put into one binding, which the boys look at on car trips. We aren't quite to the level of reading them independently yet, but they do like the stories & illustrations.

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Sam books, all the way! You can download the first two sets for free on ReadingTeacher.com. The crew there are writing new books to be released beginning in January, as well, or you can buy the more advanced sets from iseesam.com or 3rsplus.com. We worked through the "official" advanced sets with my first son, but I confess I'm excited for more books with the original "Sam" characters for my second son, something my older son totally missed.

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