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I need educational DVD ideas


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My kids are 4.5 and 5.5. I am trying to keep Christmas "junk free" so I am doing mostly educational gifts (microscope, innotab 2s, peg board toy for DDs fine motor delays, etc...) I want to stuff their stockings with a couple of educational or at least purposeful, DVDs, but I am not sure which ones. They have fully outgrown Leap Frog stuff (in fact, I just sold theirs) so I need ideas!

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My son loved David Attenborough by that age. Life of Birds is a great place to start.


There are also audio books. At 5 my son was riveted by Tantoo Cardinal's reading of Island of the Blue Dolphin, the 60s recording of Stuart Little, MPOsbourne's Odyssey, the Vox Music Masters, which you can get cheap on Amazon, and a recorded play of the Hobbit, also from

Amazon. It is the one in the wooden box. He would put all his toys out on the carpet and play while listening.

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I'll add Peep and the Big Wide World to the list - my kids all love them ages 11, 8 and 5 - both boys and girls. Science and fun. I agree with Magic School Bus and Liberty's Kids (though my younger ones get a bit scared at the suspense in some of these).



Liberty Kids wasn't a good fit for my sensitive 6yo. But if the children aren't sensitive, they are very popular.


We, like kalanamak above, have gotten a lot out of Attenborough videos. Also How the Universe Works was very popular with Button. These are all explicitly Old Earth/Evolution, if that matters...

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Liberty Kids wasn't a good fit for my sensitive 6yo. But if the children aren't sensitive, they are very popular.


We, like kalanamak above, have gotten a lot out of Attenborough videos. Also How the Universe Works was very popular with Button. These are all explicitly Old Earth/Evolution, if that matters...



One of the things I really love about DA is how logical and clear he is. Like a truely superb lecturer for the layman. I think it helps a child learn to follow something closely, as he is certainly enthusiastic and appealing. When kiddo was little, he did a very funny imitation of him, saying nonsense words in a British accent and ticking off, e.g. all the reasons a wildfire is beneficial to a prairie. It was hysterical.

Around 6, I found the first Sister Wendy DVD, the one about art and the Ancients, VERY eye-opening. My son mentioned she was a "female DA for art". There is one mention of bOOks on the tomb wall, showing the head mourner was an older woman because of her drooping bOOks, but since I don't mind that kind of thing, and in fact want such, to me, mundane facts of life *de-escalated*, this was fine. As her History of Art series goes on, it gets a bit more expilicit, but the first one really glued my son, especially the Pompeii part. Ties in the Ancients beautifully. It does cover this work:


which was also fine by us because we'd read The Trojan War already, but some might find it disturbing.

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