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Why is Pinterest sometimes filled with. . .

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I have not used pinterest, but supposedly it is a site where you post items of interest to you. Thus, a significant number of pinterest users find pillows, bracelets and recipes interesting. One of my acquaintances posted kids' Halloween costume ideas.

Edited by annandatje
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Because people keep repinning it, and every time they do it shows up as a new pin.


Then my guess is that it's businesses paying people to repin and repin and repin certain things. Because sometimes Pinterest is really interesting, but other times it's filled -- filled -- with recipes or pillows.



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No, there are just some things more people find interesting, and other things they don't. If a lot of people don't find it interesting, it will only be pinned once or twice, but if people love it it will be repinned repeatedly. Think of how many people use Pinterest. If all of them like the same things, it will show up a lot. At the bottom of each pin it shows how many times it was repinned...I've seen some upwards of 2000!

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No, there are just some things more people find interesting, and other things they don't. If a lot of people don't find it interesting, it will only be pinned once or twice, but if people love it it will be repinned repeatedly. Think of how many people use Pinterest. If all of them like the same things, it will show up a lot. At the bottom of each pin it shows how many times it was repinned...I've seen some upwards of 2000!


I still think businesses are getting in on the act.



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I use pinterest as a place to organize my links so I do post a lot recipes to it. I am not a good cook and depend on online recipes to mix things up. I have a lot of recipes on pinterest but cooking is definitely not my only hobby or interest.


Same here. I pin most of my recipes rather than bog down my browser by bookmarking it. Plus, it is easier to find that way. ;)


Some may say I have too much free time b/c there are times when I pin a TON at once, but I have really bad insomnia, and I do most of my pinning when I'm up at night b/c I can't sleep and I have nothing better to do...like last night.

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I think it depends on who you follow also. If you only follow a few people and they are really into recipes and pillows...well...;)


Are you talking about the same picture over and over on a page? I've had that every once in awhile. I think it happens either when it's loading, a glitch, (which Pinterest has lots of those) or yeah....companies have basically spammed Pinterest.


It's weird like that right now. I think the person who said Google is being paid to do this is right.



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