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I'd know where to get them. I just usually have plenty of leftover chicken parts and bones to make stock so I never thought about buying feet.


Can one eat the feet too?


You can definitely eat the feet. Have you ever tried good dim sum? You can order yourself a little dish of chicken feet and try them. Not my favorite, but my husband likes them.


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The cool thing about chicken feet (other than making great stock) is you can look at them and see how they evolved from dinosaurs.


Bet dinos would have made great stock :D





:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Oh you are BAD!!!!!

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Oh, ick!


The first time I bought a whole frozen chicken in the supermarket here (Brazil) and reached in to get the plastic baggy out of the cavity, I screamed in horror at what I first thought was a baby chicken stuffed inside.


Head (with beak), feet (with claws), etc. all folded up together in the baggy. I threw it in the sink and wouldn't touch it, though I did eventually calm down enough to put the chicken itself into the crock pot.


Finally had DH look at it and assure me it wasn't a baby chicken, "just" the head and feet of the grown chicken (plus the other bits they include). After fearing it was a baby, and I had this irrational thought too that it was the mama chicken's own baby (yes, I know they don't grow that way, it's just where my mind went in the horror of the moment), the fact it was only the parts of the chicken was somehow.....almost comforting after that.


I don't do whole chicken anymore; I make dh do it. Just freaks me out too much.

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