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If you are using RS A and/or AAR level One for K...


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Using AAR1 with a K'er and taking it REALLY slow. He doesn't get school everyday, but even if he did, we wouldn't be doing a lesson a week. Some days we just do some of the fluency page, some days we will read one of the stories. I think we've only gotten as far as two vowels (a,i) introduced. He just isn't ready and there is no way I'm pushing through and turning this kid off. He is reading the words, but gets tired easily and struggles to read sentences. He's a summer birthday, so I'm thinking he's still kinda young.

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This is my 3rd time through RS A. With my first two, I alternated reading and math. One every other day for 15 min. I didn't worry about how much we achieved, just that we spent 15 quality minutes working.


This time my Ker is 6 months older than the first two, and I have a lot more on my plate. RS A gets squeezed into the crannies of our day, particularly b/c I think my Ker is in between A and B development wise. Having been through it twice before, I know how to include the concepts into our everyday life too.

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I have been doing a lesson a day in AAR (just started this week) and I was thinking...goodness these lessons are long. Then I began to think, perhaps they are meant to be like AAS steps and be broken up. :lol: ds is doing really well, but he is a five yr old boy! :tongue_smilie:


RS, we have been mostly doing a lesson a day, but some of the longer ones we have plot into 2. I thought the RS lessons were supposed to be split up, but the we got to a lesson yesterday that said (2days) and wasn't much if any longer than the other lessons, so I was wondering if I was wrong and one lesson is meant to be done all together in a day...


Not that it affects how we are doing it, but I did wonder.


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When we used RS A, I had to break up some lessons into two. I forget how many lessons there are (I've sold it), but it seems like it was a lot less than 180, right? :D


I'm not using AAR, so can't comment on that. The program we're using doesn't have "lessons", which is good for my DS. We spend about 10 minutes on phonics, and then he's done. He couldn't do much longer than that for that subject.

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I have RSA and have done some of the lessons and they generally only seem to take about 15 min. I went straight into RSB w/ ds though and am considering completely dropping it as she seems to be picking it all up just fine w/out formal instruction like he did.

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We've recently finished RS A (which had 77 lessons in fact, RS B has 107 :001_smile:). We mostly completed a lesson in one session, but only ever did around two lessons a week as we also did Singapore Earlybird, (and some days didn't do math at all :scared: - DS5 was only 5 yo in May).


We're now on lesson 29 of RS B and doing a lesson every day, four days a week.

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thanks! Seems like we are on track with RS. We mostly do a lesson day 4-5 days a week. He finds it pretty easy but I like the foundation it is building.


AAR, I think 1-2 days per lesson will probably work. I can get through the whole lesson with him until the fluency sheet. He gets tired about halfway through those.

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thanks! Seems like we are on track with RS. We mostly do a lesson day 4-5 days a week. He finds it pretty easy but I like the foundation it is building.


AAR, I think 1-2 days per lesson will probably work. I can get through the whole lesson with him until the fluency sheet. He gets tired about halfway through those.


The fluency sheets are what makes it take the extra day for us too. It's the only part he dislikes but I picked up a few tips on the aal forum. I highlight every other line in different colors and then he chooses which one he wants to read so he only does half. For the other half we use a doll to read it aloud while he follows along to make sure the doll gets it correct. Sometimes I throw something random in to make sure he's following and that usually gets a laugh. I've also cut them up so it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

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We are not using RS so I can't comment on that, but I am using AAR 1 with my young 5yr old (turned 5 in mid-August). It usually takes us 2-3 days to complete new teaching lessons and then one day to read a story (or two in some lessons). We are halfway through now and have developed a bit of a routine. The fluency sheets were just too much for my wiggly boy, so I write words out on the whiteboard and he can erase them as he reads each one. This usually works out to half the sheet. However, we always take the time to work on the sentences. If it wasn't for the fluency sheets we would probably breeze through a lesson in 1 day, but imo its worth it to take the couple extra days to work through them.

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