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Dr. Hive: Is this a plantar wart?

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Or what else could it be?


About 10 days ago, I had a sore spot on my foot. I thought it was a callus or corn - I've gotten them before - it's on the ball of my foot, directly below my left"ring" toe. It hurts randomly - sometimes it hurts, sometimes not at all. It looks like there might be something - stuck? - inside what could be a corn?


At any rate, it's killing me. Of course, walking 6 miles Friday at the Blue Angels homecoming and another pile of time yesterday I'm sure didn't help :glare:


How can I know if it's a plantar wart? Or could I have a splinter or something I didn't notice, and now it's buried? Is this a go to the dr. situation? (Asks the girl with no insurance)


Thanks, Dr. Hive!

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Wanted to add, that to get to the actual 'wart' you sometimes have to take off skin first. The first treatment I used ended up taking of the layers of skin so I could get at the wart inside to treat with the disc. I remember reading that people often think they've removed the wart, but haven't b/c they failed to get all of that material that looks like it is embedded. Probably not the best explanation. Do a little research and I'm sure you'll find a site that explains it better.

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Just guessing that it's probably a plantar's wart. I'm in the process of getting rid of one that has been driving me crazy for a few months. Mine looked like a callus (white) but after I got that top layer off it has several dark centers (like "strings" almost?).


I wondered about mine for months because I couldn't see the dark part and I knew that plantars usually have a dark center . . . mine was covered with a white callus. But, when I walked on it it would kill me . . .almost like a needle going up through my foot.


I've been using a liquid saylitic acid remover and using duck tape and it's taken me about three weeks to make headway. Just a few days ago I was picking at it and finally got it loose enough that it started bleeding and it immediately stopped hurting when I walked on it and it is finally beginning to look like normal foot again. After it started bleeding I put some neosporin on it and stopped using the wart remover and within a day it's almost completely healed.


I know how you feel because I was afraid I would have to live like this the rest of my life. I was earlier in the week ready to break down and head to a dr. because it looked so nasty from the acid and the duck tape when all of a sudden it healed up. It's kind of gross but it seems like picking at it as well as using the other methods is the way to go. I remembered later that my pediatrician had told my kids to pick at a wart to get rid of it.


Anyway, I hope yours doesn't last a long as mine did or be quite as stubborn to get rid of.

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Ds has had plantar warts. One podiatrist recommended freezing, but we rejected that. Another recommended an over the counter remedy Duofilm Salicylic Acid wart remover, under $10. He said it often fails, because people do not use it every day, as they should. We have had excellent luck with this remedy.


We have had success with the Duofilm. Use it after a hot bath -- this softens the skin and makes the medicine soak in readily. DO THIS EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!! I have even applied it twice a day to big warts. It may take a month or more for warts to disappear completely, but you should see it get smaller after a week or so. Be patient!


The only thing the 'good' podiatrist did was scrape a little of the the top skin off a big wart, using some sort of blade. But I have done this myself using a pumice stone very, very gently -- you only want to take of a thin layer of hard skin that is pretty much ready to come off already, and you are not removing the wart, just making a place (softening) for the medicine to soak through.


ETA You will have to position your foot with the wart UP. If the medicine drips onto regular skin, wipe it off, as it will eat away at good skin.

Edited by Alessandra
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Bleh. You guys are probably right - that's what I think it is.


Anyone remember when I had that nasty virus/pneumonia thing at the beginning of the fall? I had a course (or two?) or prednisone - I really did need it to help my breathing, but it had made a couple of things worse - and I'm wondering if it compromised my immune system to allow this LOVELY thing to take root.






Thanks for the advice, though I didn't want you to confirm my suspicions.

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Cut the callus away after a shower. See if you see a brown spot. If so, then use Freeze Away, count to 30 (ouch) and do this EVERY night. Keep cutting (or filing) the callus away. Warts are contagious, so I bought disposable emery boards, broke a piece off, used it and threw it away. Add mediplast pieces if its still there after a week or so. Wear them after using the Freeze Away, and stay ahead of letting too much callus form. Eventually it will go away, it does take a month or two.

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Guest submarines
Wanted to add, that to get to the actual 'wart' you sometimes have to take off skin first. The first treatment I used ended up taking of the layers of skin so I could get at the wart inside to treat with the disc. I remember reading that people often think they've removed the wart, but haven't b/c they failed to get all of that material that looks like it is embedded. Probably not the best explanation. Do a little research and I'm sure you'll find a site that explains it better.


Yes, DD's was covered by skin at first.

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I had a plantar's wart when I was pg with my first baby. It is the only time I've had one. I thought it was a splinter because that is what it looked and felt like. I just put compound W over-the-counter wart remover on it until it was gone. It peeled the skin off in layers. Weirdest thing I ever saw. But it worked and did not come back.

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Can I add a second question? Ds has what looks EXACTLY like a Plantar's Wart to me on his foot. The thing is, it's on the side of his toe and everything I read says to be a Plantar's Wart it must be on the sole of your foot. So I put off treating it because I was like, huh... But that must be what it is, right? Sole-adjacent must be possible, yes?

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