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Craving meat

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I have noticed for the last year or so, when others crave sweets or carbs, I crave meat. Like a sausage patty, or chicken nuggets, anything meat really. I had a full lab workup about 3 months ago and they found nothing unusual (not there for this, but for chronic fatigue and weight gain). Any ideas?

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Me too! Especially at night. I will eat leftover chicken, sliced sandwich meat, etc. if we don't have any meat, I'll go for cheese.

I am pretty thin and have always had a fast metabolism. I don't know if I just need more/frequent protein or if I get low iron, although I have never had irregular bloodwork.

Let me know if you find an answer!

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I understand about the salt thing. But pretty much any meat will do, a hamburger patty, tuna, or even casserole heavy in meat, it is not a specific food, just meat. Weird, I know. Most of the time also, I'll just have more meat later after dinner while everyone else is having dessert. Unfortunately, it is not because I am too thin:tongue_smilie:

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My guess was your body is just asking for protein and iron. IMO, eating meat is much healthier than dessert or carbs. Try to stick with leaner meat if you feel you need to. What labs did they check? Did they look for thyroid issues and iron levels? I know certain mineral deficiencies can cause strange cravings (like iron deficient kids will eat sand and dirt.) If you're worried about your weight, I found the best way to lose well without feeling starved is to cut down the carbs and amp up the meat and veggies!

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