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Any stay-at-home jobs from reputable companies?

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I've got enough with my kids...don't want any more around the house :001_smile: I also looked at the medical transcription and the website I found said there is about 4 months of training. Pretty intense. Maybe there is something out there that doesn't require as much unpaid training.

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That really depends on what you are looking for from a job working from home. LiveOps and Alpine are two place that hire you to answer incoming phone calls for other companies. Sometimes there is a credit check involved with these companies as you will be handling many peoples info. Then there is the party scene, ie., Tuppeware, PartyLite, Discovery Toys, Creative Memories and so on. Pretty much every hobby has an at home party type thing. I even found one for Dove chocholate but the fee to join them is way too much for me. There are plenty of telemarketing type jobs to do from home as well, but I do not know to much about those. You can also look at your skills, what can or do you like to do. Baking, how about cake decorating, cooking- lots of busy people actually pay to have homecooked meals delivered, there are many avenues to pursue with cooking. Some also blog, I am not quite sure about the workings of that one either. Basically, there are many things out there but when you work from home you have to be creative and work extra hard to get started; once you are up and running it tends to find its own groove. Good Luck :D

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I did data entry work from home. I was processing rebates. I picked up mail every other week (someone else drove and picked up mail on the other weeks). I did not use one of those internet companies. Do not use one of those! I found an ad on Craigslist for a local company. So, my suggestion is to check Craigslist for opportunities to work for a company from home.

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Since your in Arizona, I would definitely recommend trying Alpine www.alpineaccess.com. Especially since the hiring season is coming up. The shifts never worked for me, but there was always opportunity to work. They are a real company, so you are not a sub-contractor, but the pay is only $10-11/hr and some months are busier than others.







ETA: Dont forget about http://www.wahm.com/

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Data entry is more along my lines. We live out in the country and don't have a phone line...only use a cell and most telemarketing requires a landline. I don't really want to sell anything. Any kind of secretarial work from at home would be great. I love to type and organize things. Will definitely keep a look out on craigslist. Thanks.

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Data entry is more along my lines. We live out in the country and don't have a phone line...only use a cell and most telemarketing requires a landline. I don't really want to sell anything. Any kind of secretarial work from at home would be great. I love to type and organize things. Will definitely keep a look out on craigslist. Thanks.


Oh, I missed you were in Arizona! The company I worked for was in Tempe. Are you close enough that you could drive to Tempe once a week? (If someone else is in your area, you can drive every other week like I did.)

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I work LiveOps. It's a great job! If working the regular lines (the one you'd most probably get), I average $13/hour. Insurance is supposedly paying just as well these days, but wasn't when I was working more hours. I was on a LOA due to health until recently and now am on reduced hours (trying to get 10 per week).


I did the training for ACDDirect. I think it could be great, but I got too sick to work at all, much less work a new job. I got accepted to choose from job listings with Alpine but they have set hours (though LOTS of different ones) but none fit my crazy schedule. With Alpine you are an actual employee which some people prefer. With Westathome, you also are an employee with an hourly wage based on the job.


I also work ChaCha.com now as a guide and I think THAT is the best job ever. LOL If you go to ChaCha.com, you can click "become a guide." If you decide to sign up, please say that I, mygr8creatures@aol.com, referred you.

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We've started some of the research for you. This section offers a list of dozens of opportunities to consider for making money at home. Only you can decide which, if any, are right for you.


Before settling on any one opportunity, be sure to consider the tips we offer on avoiding scams.


Virtual Customer-Service Agent


Another growing work-from-home opportunity is to answer the inbound customer calls for companies like J Crew, 1-800 Flowers, Virgin Atlanta, or Walgreens. These major players and many others like them outsource their customer-service calls to companies that hire U.S.-based virtual agents. Set your own hours and pick an account that's ideally suited to your knowledge and interests.


In addition to having a pleasant voice and strong customer-service skills, you must have high-speed Internet access, a computer, a landline, and a quiet place to work—all of which you pay for on your own.


Expect to make an average of $8 and $15 an hour depending on your experience, call volume and accounts. Be prepared to work a minimum of 15 to 20 hours per week, although some agents work 40 hours to 60 hours when their schedule permits.


Among the companies to explore:















and others hire year-round, and during the holidays they're all eager for great talent as they prepare for a very busy holiday season. Each company has different needs, hours, clients, payment schedules, etc., so be sure to check with a few of them to determine the best match for you.


Channel Your Inner Judge Judy


Instead of spending time watching the courtroom programs on TV, try making some pocket money while determining verdicts as an online juror. Lawyers deciding whether or not to accept a case or looking for preliminary feedback on cases they're currently handling use various websites as a cost-effective tool for research and focus groups before heading into a real courtroom.


Sites including




pay nominal fees to home-based e-jurors, which may range from $10 to $60, depending on the length of the e-trial. Research all of the sites and read the requirements before signing on to serve.


Home-Based Jobs for Americans with Disabilities

NTI Central (http://www.nticentral.org ) connects Americans with disabilities to employers willing to hire employees and contractors for home-based assignments. The database isn't large, but it's proven to be a smart resource for many workers.


Do Some Mystery Shopping


Get paid to shop and eat at great restaurants, and then report back to the corporate headquarters on the level of service and cleanliness to help improve the experience for future customers. There are opportunities to earn small amounts of money—and get free products and services—depending on where you live.


While some people have managed to make a living at this, we don't recommend that you rely on it to pay the bills, especially because assignments can be sporadic. Don't get hooked into paying $25 to $100 to become an "official" mystery shopper, assuming you'll automatically get hired. A legitimate opportunity should not cost you any money. It should give you the chance based on your profile, interests, and background.


One resource in learning more about the industry and finding links to opportunities is http://www.mysteryshop.org . Review the details of any opportunity before signing up so you're clear on what's expected and what type of compensation you'll receive.


Talk Tech


If you're an experienced IT professional and you enjoy problem-solving and quality customer service, you may be able to work from home providing tech support via phone, online, and in-person to customers nationwide. As an independent contractor or employee (this varies per company), you'd work from your own home office, set your own hours, and service clients in your area.


Some of the companies to explore include






Nurses on Call


Registered nurses who don't want to work in traditional hospital settings or doctors' offices—or who want to supplement their income—can put their knowledge to work at home. Several companies, such as http://www.fonemed.com and http://www.mckesson.com , hire nurses to provide phone-based triage and advice to callers requesting information on medical conditions and reactions to medication. Home-based nurses can also provide sound advice to patients on disease management and health care options so they're armed with information to make the best decisions about their care.


You can also check with a medical center in your area to ask if they hire or contract with home-based nurses to provide similar triage and advice phone services.


Recruit From Home


Many service-oriented businesses are allowing professionals to work virtually. This is certainly true in the field of recruiting. Some of the opportunities are commission-only: You must recruit a candidate who is hired by an employer in order to receive any money. Others offer a base salary, plus commission.


Go to the big job boards—HotJobs.com , Careerbuilder.com , Monster.com —and search using the key words "virtual recruiter" or "home-based recruiter." You'll see many openings to which you can apply.


The other option is to search on Google or Yahoo for contingency search firms and/or placement agencies. Cold-call them to ask whether they hire home-based recruiters or impress them with your phone skills so that they decide to make you their first virtual recruiter.


To be successful, you must be a super-savvy networker and possess knowledge of recruitment tactics. Oftentimes, some training will be provided if you can prove that you're a highly networked, resourceful professional.


Medical Coding and Transcription


Medical coding and transcription can't always be performed at home, especially with strict privacy policies and guidelines. However, there are many companies that hire home-based workers with the skills and experience to provide both services. Keep in mind, however, that it's very difficult for entry-level, inexperienced candidates to get hired to perform such work from home. This is by no means the "get-rich-quick" line of work that many mistakenly perceive it to be.


In most cases, in addition to the proper training, you must have your own computer, high-speed Internet access, and, where applicable, headphones and a foot pedal. In an effort to weed out the poor quality schools, the American Association for Medical Transcription, in conjunction with the American Health Information Management Association, has been approving medical transcription schools based on the AAMT Model Curriculum. There is a list of approved schools on the AAMT website.



Some companies also require you to have your own software; others will provide it. In addition to finding appropriate employers online by searching Google or the big job boards, you can check out the opportunities with







If you're interested in starting your own coding or transcription business, begin with medical offices in your area. Ask the doctors you know how they handle such tasks and offer to provide your services. As with any new business, expect to get many rejections before you finally get a yes. Then remember, if you can get one yes, you can get two, then four and so on.


Connect With Clients as a Concierge


Do you think you have what it takes to handle phone, e-mail, and online customer inquiries for services that range from making dinner suggestions and reservations to planning a vacation for busy professionals? What if the caller asked you to locate the dress Julia Roberts wore in "Ocean's Eleven," rent monkeys for a birthday party, or help write a speech for a best man?


Those are some of the common and quirky requests asked of home-based concierge agents at VIPdesk, one of the leading services. VIPdesk's clients are executives and employees of some of the top companies in the world, all of whom are willing to pay for such services of convenience. VIPdesk hires home-based agents who are highly resourceful and have prior experience in high-end customer service, travel and/or hospitality. Apply online at http://www.vipdesk.com .


Because concierge services are growing in popularity as a benefit for businesses of all sizes, consider starting your own service. Contact employers in your area about offering services of convenience to their staffers. For example, a doctor's office might require its staff to work long hours to accommodate patient needs. Employee absenteeism can cause a disruption or slow down in services. It may be more beneficial for the medical practice to pay an outsider like you to handle errands and special chores for a nurse than to give that nurse a day off. This same theory applies to companies where staffers work long hours or are required to travel regularly. So use this approach when pitching your services.


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Cook Up Some Cash as a Culinary Consultant


Think you have what it takes to whip up culinary magic in the kitchen? That just might qualify you to become a home-based consultant for Chefsline.com , which provides live, professional advice to anyone who needs help with cooking or baking.


Chef consultants must excel at cooking, teaching, and customer service, and must be available to take calls for a minimum of eight hours per week during afternoon and evening hours. A culinary degree is preferred, but not required. A specialty in regional cuisine is desirable, such as African, Latin American, Middle Eastern or French, among others. Compensation ranges from $7.50 to $30 an hour, depending on expertise.


If you've got a strong entrepreneurial spirit, you can also offer to plan and execute cooking demonstrations in supermarkets, gourmet shops, or private homes. Or find clients who'll allow you to plan their meals, shop for groceries, and prepare dinner. Time-strapped individuals often dream of having an affordable personal chef instead of relying on frozen dinners and takeout.


Become a Blogger


Blogging and media-sharing on the Internet are super hot right now, with no signs of fading any time soon. Web sites with videos, personal content, and gossip are raking in advertising dollars with each click of the mouse.


You can become a professional blogger, too. Web sites such as http://www.payperpost.com allow you to post videos and photographs, and then receive a percentage of the site's revenue, which is generated from advertising associated with page views and clicks to the content posted by you. The harder you work to promote your own videos and photos, the more money you'll earn.


Another way to make money is to create your very own blog at http://www.blogger.com . Set up your own page and create captivating content to lure readers to your stuff. Then add the site's AdSense feature, which allows advertisements to be included on the page. Every time a viewer clicks through on the advertisement on your blog page, cha-ching! Keep in mind this only works if you're committed to creating a blog that others would find fascinating—and you hustle to attract readers to build a following for yourself.


Get Paid to Write or Edit


A handful of Web sites pay for articles, but unless they're commissioning your original work, you won't make big bucks. http://www.associatedcontent.com pays around $10 per approved/published piece. http://www.helium.com is another option that rewards prolific writers, and both sites are a good way to build an online portfolio of published work while making some money at the same time. Two other options for various assignments: http://www.myessays.com and http://www.writerfind.com .


Another option is freelance writing for magazines, trade publications, newsletters, or local newspapers. If you've developed a specialty or have a particular interest in a single topic—film, fashion, food, travel—many websites and small publications work only with freelancers and regularly look for writers to do reviews on products or new releases, ranging in topic from electronics to beauty.


Contact the editors of the publications you'd like to work for. (Their names and contact information can typically be found on the masthead or websites.) Ask for their writers guidelines and be ready to submit samples of your work. (This is also where links to your work from the two sites listed above can come in handy.) We hire freelance writers for our company's magazine, which is published three times a year. All of them have come to us unsolicited with their writing samples and story suggestions.


Compensation varies based on your experience. Novices might have to accept free products or press passes for their work. Experienced writers can expect to make anywhere from fifty cents to $2 per word. For multiple articles, you might settle on a flat rate.


Experienced editors can apply for projects on sites such as http://www.cyberedit.com and http://www.editfast.com .


Transcribe Audio to Text


Speeches, lectures, television and radio programs, and interviews must be converted to text that's delivered timely and accurate. If you possess exceptional English language and grammar skills and you're an experienced typist with a speed of at least 75 wpm, you could transcribe audio to text. Some businesses may require you to take a transcription test before offering you opportunities to work. Most assignments are handled on a freelance basis. Sites to explore include





Find others by searching online.


Use Your Language Skills as a Translator


If you are a native speaker of a foreign language, then becoming a freelance translator could be a great opportunity. Several companies need documentation translated for international partners and hire freelance translators through companies like








Most companies require applicants to take a written test and sign a non-disclosure agreement. Precision and accuracy is a must. Companies who hire freelance translators prefer candidates who are native speakers of the target language; have experience with professional documents, software, or multimedia translations; and are members of a professional translation association. The most in-demand services include translation from English to Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Italian.


This is another business you can start on your own if you have the skills and are able to network effectively to land a client. A major corporate client can keep you busy full time and smaller businesses would likely offer project work here and there.


Become a Virtual Assistant


Often times small business owners and mid- to executive-level professionals need personal assistants but cannot afford to hire one on a full-time basis, or simply don't have the space in their offices. Therefore, they hire people from remote locations to do their administrative work for them.


Virtual assistants can handle bookkeeping, administrative duties, travel arrangements, transcription and correspondence, and other support services that can be done remotely via email and phone.


A search on Google using keywords "virtual assistant" will generate results of many independent contractors. Some will outsource a share of their workload. Check out http://www.virtualassistantjobs.com and http://www.teamdoubleclick.com .


You should also consider starting a similar business on your own. Be your own boss, set your own hours, and acquire clients through self-promotion and marketing. Networking and referrals are your best bets for landing clients. Create an e-mail about your services and send it to everyone you know—and ask them to forward it along to everyone they know.


Become a Virtual Publicist


Technology has made it possible for thousands of virtual public relations firms to exist nationwide, all of which are eager to identify experienced communications and marketing professionals who are diligent in their work habits but also crave the flexibility of a home base.


Among them:






just to name a few. If you're a seasoned PR pro with an area of speciality, contact them with your capabilities and availability.


You should also consider starting your own virtual PR firm. If you're experienced in promotions, event planning, writing, pitching, media contact management, crisis communications, or strategic planning, there's a good chance your services are in demand.


Without expensive office overhead, you can offer competitive prices while making a hefty profit. Create a website that promotes your abilities, and start spreading the word. Since you're in PR, you no doubt know how to toot your own horn.


Guide Users Online With Your Expertise


Use your subject-area expertise to make money assisting others who are in need of that knowledge.


Chacha.com is a brand new search engine—still in the early stages of working out its technical kinks—that is similar to Yahoo or Google, however users have the ability to request the free help of a live guide. That live guide is sitting at home making money while he or she assists with the online search. Learn how you can make $5 to $10 an hour, which can be paid to you via debit card or direct deposit, at http://www.chacha.com . Also look into http://www.mahalo.com to be considered as a live search engine guide.


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About.com offers qualified applicants the opportunity to become guides if they have proven expertise in a topic area. As a guide, you're responsible for publishing a full-length article every 14 days and you must update your blog at least three times per week. Anyone can apply, but you must pass a 17-day-long self-guided online training program to familiarize yourself with About's tools and demonstrate your knowledge of the process.


Successful guides never make less than $500 per month, according to About.com, and some guides can earn upwards of $100,000 a year for popular, high-trafficked sections. Visit the getting started guide on http://www.about.com for details.


On http://www.justanswer.com users agree to pay for experts to answer their questions. If you have an expertise—from gardening to genealogy—you can agree to answer questions for a price. The site then pays you based on accepted answers. Kasamba.com allows you to register your expertise and dictate how much you want to get paid for sharing it.


Become an Online Tutor


If you graduated from a college or university in this country or in Canada, or you're a current student at an accredited school, and you have expertise in English, math, science, or social studies, you could make money as an online tutor. You must be able to convey key information to students of all ages—generally fourth grade through college level—in an online environment. That means teaching mathematical formulas and chemistry equations to a kid through cyberspace, rather than face-to-face instruction.


Visit http://www.tutor.com to learn how you can make $10 an hour or more working 5 to 30 hours a week from home. Also explore http://www.esylvan.com , http://www.brainfuse.com , http://www.kidspan.com , http://www.universalclass.com , among others. To find other online—tutoring opportunities, or to learn how to start your own online—tutoring business, do a Google search using the keywords "online tutor" and research dozens of options based on your availability and subject—area expertise.


Create your Own Product Line


Ever dream of seeing your slogans and artwork on T-shirts, mugs, or hats? You can turn that dream into reality—and into cash—without investing even a penny in expensive startup costs like equipment and stock.


Submit your original ideas and art online to websites like http://www.zazzle.com ,http://www.cafepress.com , and others, and you'll receive commission on all sales generated with your designs. Do this for T-shirts, mugs, kids' accessories, housewares, posters, stickers, and so much more. In addition to securing orders from strangers who visit those sites, you can also make money by doing some proactive promotion of your own. Encourage your friends and family to place orders, and get them to email all of their friends, too, by forwarding links to your products.


Holiday Helper


Professionals who work in traditional positions are often too busy to plan properly for the holidays. They dream of an elf appearing to save the season. You can make money as that elf—the person who does the shopping, wrapping, and shipping of gifts, especially when your client loathes crowded malls and surly clerks. You can also pitch yourself as the kitchen queen who assists with cooking and cleaning for holiday guests. Photograph parties and prepare scrapbooks to preserve holiday memories. Address envelopes with fancy calligraphy to get your client's cards out before the New Year is here. Collect mail, water the plants, and feed the pets for vacationing families.


Create inexpensive business cards or flyers on your home computer touting your holiday services. Distribute them to neighbors, schools, churches, and any place where busy professionals are likely to be. Expect to charge $10 to $20 an hour depending on your location and the nature of the work you're doing.


Turn those seasonal clients into year-round customers by catering to their everyday needs. You can get paid to walk a dog, garden, shop for groceries, wait for the cable guy to show up, fetch dry cleaning, or set up electronics for busy professionals or people who have challenges leaving home. Offer one-time discounts to your clients if they assist you with successful referrals by chatting up your services in their offices.


Telemarketing Opportunities


Many companies and organizations outsource their cold-calling campaigns to third parties. Those third parties hire full time and temporary workers—many of whom work from home—to place those calls with specific goals in mind. You may be required to convince contacts to book an appointment, commit to making a donation, or agree to try a product or service. Your calls could also be focused on debt collection.


Typically you’ll receive an hourly base pay, plus performance-based commission. While some training is provided, applicants are expected to have some high quality customer-service and/or cold-calling experience. Among the companies to explore: http://www.telereach.com or http://www.intrep.com . You should also search online for home-based telemarketing positions on the big job boards and the major search engines. Do not pay for leads; you should be able to find employers that are hiring without paying a middleman for access to that information.


Job Boards


The big job boards like HotJobs.com, CareerBuilder.com and Monster.com are filled with thousands of work-from-home opportunities. SimplyHired.com and Indeed.com grab positions from a wide variety of sources. The key is to search all of these Web sites by using the words "virtual" or "home-based" when looking for opportunities advertised online.


TheLadders.com , which focuses on positions paying in more than $100,000 annually and requires a monthly fee to join, features a wide range of senior-level positions from home in sales, technology, finance and marketing.


Web sites such as











have thousands of part-time and consulting opportunities to research. Some of them allow you to post a free profile about yourself and your skills and services.


If you're bidding on freelance projects, be sure to research going rates before indicating what you're willing to work for. This is especially important for work outside of your geographic area. If you live in Ohio, the going rates for graphic design might be much less there than in New York. While the client is looking for a good deal, you don't want to underprice—or overprice—your services or you're likely to be knocked out of the running.


As with any posting or advertisement, you must be diligent about doing your homework and using lots of common sense. Just because something is listed on an honorable website or in a reputable publication, doesn't mean the opportunity has been vetted for legitimacy. That means talking to a live person and not just relying on an email exchange to learn in-depth about the requirements, challenges and potential earning power. Don't be fooled by postings that promise big bucks for minimal effort. If it were that easy, we'd all be working in those jobs!


Working From Home as an Independent Contractor


When looking at home-based opportunities, there’s a good chance you’ll have to work as an independent contractor, not an employee. This can be a daunting prospect for many people who prefer the simplicity of employee status. However, you shouldn’t dismiss an opportunity simply because you’re unsure of how to handle the tax liabilities associated with being an independent contractor.


As an independent contractor, you are in essence working for yourself. Your paycheck will not have taxes deducted, so you’ll be responsible for keeping track of your tax liability and planning and saving accordingly to make such payments.


Another difference: as an independent contractor, you do not receive traditional employee benefits such as paid vacation or sick days, health insurance benefits, and other perks. (You may be able to buy into big group insurance programs at a discount rate, but the entire cost would be yours to bear.)


As an employee, you use your social security number for tax identification purposes. As an independent contractor, you will likely need a tax identification number (TIN). If you’ve formed a corporation, LLC, or partnership, you will obtain a tax ID number for that entity. If you are a sole proprietor (self employed), you may be eligible to use your social security number as your tax identification number. At year end, the company/ies you’ve performed work for will send you a 1099 stating your wages instead of a W2, which is reserved for employees.


There are many incentives to being an independent contractor. You are eligible to deduct the costs of maintaining your home office and other expenses from your income tax. You also have enormous freedom to pick and choose the assignments and opportunities that appeal most to you versus being told daily what to do by one manager.


Millions of people have successfully mastered the paperwork and oversight required as an independent contractor. If they can do it, you can too. So when considering home-based opportunities, choose the work that is most appealing to you, and then consider the employee versus contractor status secondary.


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In some cases, you will be required to incorporate. This is a very simple process that is handled through your home state. The corporate entity that you form is the entity through which you will operate your interactions with the companies you opt to work with. It is also that corporate structure that enables you to maximize any number of tax advantages.


Work as an Eldercare Manager or Referral Agent


A Place for Mom, the largest provider of free referral services nationwide, hires home-based eldercare agents to respond to inquires for assistance from families. If you're passionate about helping people with eldercare demands, and you have prior sales experience, this is a full-time, commission-only home-based career opportunity where you can feel good about assisting others in need. Successful agents earn between $40,000 and more than $100,000 annually.


To find other home-based opportunities in the eldercare field, check with local service providers in your area that hire care managers and referral agents on a salaried, hourly and commission basis.

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I've had a few wah jobs. I've NEVER sold anything, though lots of jobs they advertise as customer service jobs do have an upsell/sales component - I just don't do those, lol.


Most phone jobs do not allow VoIP lines. You need broadband, usually DSL is preferred, and a good computer. If you are near a large city then you will have access to more non-phone work.


Rat Race Rebellion these are legit and prescreened opportunities (I have seen a few they had to remove tho, lol)

Work Place Like Home - my favorite forum for wah'ers, but it's a lot to wade through!




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Medical transcription... but with so much going to India, I'm not sure what the domestic demand is anymore.


Pay is not very good.. Depends on where you work, who you work for and how much you work. It's basically a production typing job. Since 2004, my wages have been cut by a third.. due to the market and outsourcing. However, if you can work from home directly for a hospital without the company as a middleman, then you will get a better wage.

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