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Accutane and its after effects?

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My nephew took Accutane about 10 years ago and SIL said he has never been his normal self since then. He is still going through depression and mood swings now and he is in his mid twenties.


Has anyone dealt with this or know what may help. Does this seem it is something else since it's been ten years? Whole body cleanse? Chelation?

SIL is almost in tears every time we talk because she feels guilty for giving it to him even though it was prescribed by a dermatologist.

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I don't think so. It can cause birth defects in pregnant women or women on the threshold of pregnancy, but I have never read about such lasting affects. There can sometimes be signs of depression, but they should have been seen earlier.


We all worry about how we might unkowingly harm our children.


I get that. But 10 years seems highly unlikely.


I'm sorry for her worry.

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The other piece...not that I am a Dr., is that his hormones are out of whack --and that is what has caused such severe acne.


I would want a full physical--at a hospital-- where brain damage/issues can be evaluated. Have him go through the full neuro work-up, scans etc.


I would not be satisfied with a 'check-up'.

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The other piece...not that I am a Dr., is that his hormones are out of whack --and that is what has caused such severe acne.


I would want a full physical--at a hospital-- where brain damage/issues can be evaluated. Have him go through the full neuro work-up, scans etc.


I would not be satisfied with a 'check-up'.


:iagree: I know that some meds can cause lifelong side effects, usually called long term effects, but in the end no matter what caused it he needs to find a doctor that can treat it. My son went through cancer treatment, and one of his issues now may be caused by the chemo or it may be something he would have had anyway, but it is treated the same despite not knowing the cause.


Mom needs to be more gentle on herself too, because we can only do the best we can at the time with the information we are given. Yes, as moms we feel we should always protect our kids, but anything from foods, to meds, to allergens can hurt our kids when others are not affected by them, so we have no way of knowing what the effects will be on our child. :grouphug: to her.

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One of my dd's took it several years ago. She hasn't had any depression from it, thank goodness!, but it did cause changes that have continued. She now sunburns very easily. She never used to burn. I don't know if it is lingering from taking the medication (which does warn you that they will burn more easily while on it) or not. It does seem to be getting a little better each summer. I regret having her take it. I will not allow my son to. It did clear her skin. For a couple of years. Acne is now back. Not as bad, but...not worth the time, money and risk of the drug.

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The half- life of Accutane is fairly short (although not as short as other drugs). It can cause birth defects in pregnant women or women on the threshold of pregnancy, but I have never read about such lasting affects. There can sometimes be signs of depression, but they should have been seen earlier.


We all worry about how we can harm our children.


I get that. But 10 years... for this drug.... is highly unlikely.


I'm sorry for her worry.


I was wondering myself if it started out as a depression caused by the drug but then was never properly addressed and has now continued without any treatment. I will suggest the brain scan to her. Of course, since he is an adult right now, he has to initiate it but she can at least talk to him about it.

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I took two courses during my life (one at 14 and one at 23) and haven't had any lasting effects. I only suffered from skin dryness druring treatment.


I took two courses as well. I did have depression around the time I took Accutane but not as severe as my sister who did not take it. I was so grateful for my clear skin! The cystic acne took a much bigger toll on my self esteem then the mood swings from accutane.


I am sorry for this boy though. I agree he needs to continue with the dr.s until they find something that can help him pull through the depression.

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Is it possible that he has CFS, fibromyalgia, any auto-immune disorders, etc.? Because sometimes a very strong med like that can be a catalyst that sets off a dormant disease. The med didn't cause the disease, it just activated it. If he has something like this, regardless of how it started it needs to be treated now. Unfortunately, there are any treatments out there that cure any of these diseases but at least he would have answers and could start working towards thing that could help alieviate the symptoms.

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People start Accutane during the teen years. Other issues can come up then as well. It may have been that the Accutane triggered something, but it also could be that it was then that depression emerged that was going to emerge anyway.


The best thing for him to do would be to go to a reputable therapist and address the mood disorder, because that is what you are describing. (Info on major depression and bipolar disorder would probably be helpful. ) Exercise and good sleep are the best "alternative" treatments for mood disorders ( I personally think they should be first prescribed, but sometimes by virtue of being depressed one is not able to exercise as much as needed), not cleanses, etc. Chelation has its own dangers but is for removing heavy metals. I've never heard of its proponents even suggesting it for mood disorders in an adult. He may, however, find his life turned around by therapy and/or meds. But like you said, he's a grown man.


As for side-effects of Accutane: there are long term side-effects of cystic acne as well. Deep scarring from acne can affect a person's entire life, too. One has to balance the potential risks of the drug with the risks of the social/economic (when it affects job hires) of disfiguring scarring--which can also trigger depression. While it's not fair, study after study confirms that physical good looks affect hiring, selection of mates--even whether people think you're a good person or not. My sons have all taken it because they all have acne that causes deep scarring. Nothing else helped. Ds 4 will likely end up taking it as well.

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I was wondering myself if it started out as a depression caused by the drug but then was never properly addressed and has now continued without any treatment. I will suggest the brain scan to her. Of course, since he is an adult right now, he has to initiate it but she can at least talk to him about it.


I edited. It's a powerful drug, but the poor woman should not beat herself up. It's a common drug. It does work well for a lot of people. Accutane --causing birth defects-- when taken during pregnancy is well documented. ( i know my sister's dd wasnt able to get a script from her doctor without verification of birth control ( and not condoms). It can cause depression during the time it is taken. I can't find anything about depression once it's out the system.

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