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Easiest Way to Freeze Ground Beef

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I saw this on this website: http://couponconnections.com/2012/10/thats-clever-easiest-way-to-freeze-ground-meat/ and thought it was interesting. Just sharing.




Have you ever wondered what the perfect way to freeze ground meat? I picked up this simple kitchen shortcut from Real Simple Magazine a while back.


All you need to do is simply fill your ziploc plastic bag with raw meat (beef, turkey, chicken etc), press it flat, and seal. Using a chopstick or another blunt object and score the meat into equal sections by pressing on the bag.


No need to thaw out the whole package the next time you need ground beef, simply break off enough for your recipe.


Looking for more shortcuts in the kitchen? Check out this book over on Amazon

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Nifty! I accidentally did something similar the other day. I was freezing some chicken stock in a plastic bag and part of it blorped over the edge of the bowl, so it froze in two discrete lumps. I'll be doing that next time I want to freeze smaller amounts; cheaper and easier than using separate bags.

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I already do something similar. I portion it in half, though, so I can use half a package or a whole package at a time. I portion the raw meat into a ziplock freezer bag and flatten it with a rolling pin before zipping it closed and scoring it in half. The flattened portions thaw MUCH faster than a hunk. My mom browns her ground beef before freezing so it's ready to go when she needs it. She can thaw it first or add it to soup or sauce while still frozen. I tried that for awhile, but I found that for me, it's usually more convenient to do what I described above.

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I brown my minced beef, drain it in a colander, & freeze it in bags of 3cups each (~ 1 pound). When I want to use it I simply defrost it in the microwave for 5 minutes on high. When I have more time I will make up meatloaves or meatballs & freeze those, but I find the browned meat more versitile.



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