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Solution for hair falling out

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My hair comes out everywhere. It is long and almost black and it is a big pain in my side. After a shower I have to sit and come my hair and I always have a huge wad of hair that comes out. I don't have thinning hair....I have much more hair than most people....but I would like to stop it from falling out. Is this a vitamin issue?

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I have the same issue. Every time I run my hands through my hair, i pull out clumps of hair, which is rather embarassing when I'm in public. I have recently switched to Garnier Fall Fight shampoo and conditioner. I just started using it a couple of days ago and haven't noticed that big of an improvement.

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:bigear: I'm interested in any ideas as well.


I'm actually having the same problem right now. My dr. did a lot of blood work and it's all normal. I usually have low B-12 and take supplements, and that was also fine in the blood work. I was on two rounds of steroids a few months ago so we're wondering if it has something to do with that. We're still working on it, though.

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Not much time this morning, but I have posted a few times about hair loss. Here's just one thread. Lots and lots of info there and I hope you find some of it helpful. Daily scalp massage for just a few minutes, I have been told (and I strongly believe) is key. I do it daily with a few drops of jojoba oil. Nutrition and other stuff mentioned there should hopefully make a difference. I have thick hair, but I don't want to take it for granted. I know that as I get older I will lose more hair.

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Oh another thing you could try is to have your hair thinned. They use special scissors. I've done that before.


I honestly don't think my hair falls out more than average/most. I think I just have more hair than average/most.


You know, I think this is probably the case with me. It is longer now than it has ever been and so that makes it seem worse too.


I guess this is a first world problem eh?

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Google "Telogen effluvium" . . . .


Our dd had this while under stress in Nursing School. The dermotologist was helpful, but really just advised to carefully handle her hair (and her stress).


Also check your thyroid levels, as this is a frequent cause.


Thankfully, she got better at handling the stress, and cut her hair a bit shorter, and in several months, her hair stopped falling out. It is thinner than it was (used to be very thick), but no one would notice enough to say something.


Also, this has been discussed on the WTM several times over the past few years, if you want to google THAT too. Hang in there!

Edited by Beth S
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