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WWE 4 dictation - too difficult?


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My 5th grader just started WWE 4 and we are on Week 1, Day 2. He simply CAN NOT memorize and rewrite the sentence accurately.


The instructions tell me that I should only read it three times and then not repeat it to the student.


Here is the dictation:

"The impostors requested him very courteously to be so good as to come nearer their looms, and then asked him whether the design pleased, and whether the colors were not very beautiful, while at the same time pointing to the empty frames."


My son could barely remembering anything past looms. I read the sentence to him at least a dozen times.


Is it normal for them to struggle with this in the beginning?

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First, go to YouTube and search for â€Dictation with Danâ€. SWB shows you how she actually does it. :)


Also, I'm guessing you didn't do WWE3? The series builds up to those long dictations. Most children cannot jump in and do level 4 dictations as written. I don't think I could do them. ;)


Break it down into chunks, and discuss it like she does in that video. Also, it's expected to be able to do this by week 36, not week 1 (though I'd still be ok with my child needing it broken down a bit in week 36).

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I am always so encouraged when I watch Susan's videos. It's great to see that she has normal kids and always makes me feel like I can do it too!


I'll chime in as well. Dictation with Dan is very helpful to see exactly how it works in the Bauer household. And I think Dan is 13 at that time.



I agree, I am encouraged when I watch the videos, I recommend them.

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I'm so glad I saw your post today. I have an 11yo that is very week in writing. I have tried to do TWTM way of writing on my own using our content materials. It hasn't worked. I am switching to WWE this week. I gave him the placement material and he is barely going to be in the 2nd book. I don't think I could do those long dictations myself. I am going to watch those videos right now. Just know you aren't alone.

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I can't even do the WWE4 dictations! :blushing: We muddle through it, though. Sometimes they enjoy turning the tables and giving me a dictation. Oh, well! We do the best we can. I'll go sentence by sentence if we have to. After they write it, I often see if they can then say the whole passage by memory just for the challenge. Definitely one of my weaker skills! :)

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With my oldest ds 10, we have started to introduce it several times at one sitting and let him try it on his own a few times. If it is difficult we let it go for several hours and come back to it. That has helped.


We just did the WWE 4 dictation that SWB did with her son in the video!

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I did WWE 4 with my twin 4th graders last year. They had never done WWE, but I had done a lot of dictation with them before. They were also good readers.


The length of the WWE 4 passages was quite a shock to them! It was tough going at first, but I was determined. I used to say, "Well, SWB thinks 4th graders can do this, so we are going to make it work." I usually had them repeat the pieces of the passage back to me in turns. I would say a chunk, twin A would say it, then twin B would say it. Then we would work on the next chunk. The second time through I would say it sentence by sentence, then twin B, then twin A. The third time through I'd say the entire passage.


It was painful at first, but it worked. By then end of the year they were able to do the dictations without too much trouble. As an added bonus, their listening skills scores went up on their standardized testing.


I appreciated the challenge and would do it again. My 3rd grader will do WWE 4 next year. I'll be able to tell him that his siblings survived the course, so he can, too. :)

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Unless you'e been using the program for a couple of years, with him excelling, I would say the level you're doing with him is too much for this 10 year old.


Take it down. Try WWE 3. There is no shame.


I am biased, mostly because I think the literary passages in 3 are too good to miss, and perfect for most 10 year old students.

Edited by LibraryLover
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