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I am Mom hear me roar!

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Neighbor boy is over...I need to go mow. Against my better judgment I leave ds and NB inside alone. Half an hour later, I see ds on the patio crying. Sigh. I stop. Apparently they got into a pushing shoving tiff because NB kept taking stuff from all over my house to add to a fort he was building, and ds was distraught because he felt the NB would not put it all back and ds would be stuck doing it. I had already told NB, 'anything you take out of its place must be put back before you go home.' Well, ds felt it was getting out of hand and tried to stop it and it didn't go well and so there. Also, found NB2 in my living room when I came in. Anyway, I told NBs 1 and 2 to put everything back and I told all three of them to stop fighting or else they would have to go home. NB1 says, 'My mom lets us take stuff from everywhere in the house and build really big forts!!!' I said, 'Cool! Do you want to go home and do that?' Dejected, he says no. I suggest a board game and now all 3 are in there happily playing. Oh, and I stood watch and made them put everything away.


I'm a bossy, mean mom and they still want to be here. ;)

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