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life of fred... help!

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can i really use it as a stand alone program??? if dd does need more practice on the skills taught, any recommendations (not expensive) of what to add in? its such an unconventional program, im a bit nervous lol! but several of her friends in homeschool group use it as a stand alone and love it. thanks for any thoughts! :grouphug:

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We're using LOF as a stand-alone math curriculum. DS is just a few weeks away from finishing Beg. Algebra and starting Adv. Algebra. He's doing very well with it, but he also doesn't do well with traditional textbooks.

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This is our third year using LOF as a stand alone. My son is in 6th grade and using the Beginning Algebra book. LOF has been a lifesaver him. He would never complete his math lessons until we found LOF. This year he is taking an Algebra class in which the teacher uses Keys to Algebra. We just met with her yesterday and decided to continue using LOF for my son and she would fill in any holes with the Keys books. I'm not exactly sure how that will work but she thinks LOF is sufficient and probably a little more than a typical Algebra book. If your child gets math and doesn't need the extra practice LOF is great as a stand alone program. But if she is like my dd and needs more repetition, you may want to look at supplementing. I have liked the Keys to Fractions and Keys to Decimals books. They really helped my dd understand those concepts and they would be easy to add to LOF but don't feel like you have to add anything. It just depends on how your child learns.



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LOF Beginning Algebra has two supplements available: The Home Companion (we are using), and Zillions of Problems (we don't need).


If you need something to supplement, I would start with those two because they are coordinated with your main text.



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LOF Beginning Algebra has two supplements available: The Home Companion (we are using), and Zillions of Problems (we don't need).


If you need something to supplement, I would start with those two because they are coordinated with your main text.




Right--I was assuming that the OP would have bought that, and shouldn't have. I was thinking of dc who need even more practice than that.

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We are, so I hope so. :001_smile:


I was a big, BIG, Saxon fan before Fred. We do supplement some with some hands on Montessori things for the younger grades. We do have Saxon tucked away just in case, but the plan is Fred from here on. We are currently using the elementary series, the high school prep books and the 1st Algebra book. Khan Academy is a good backup if you need any topics explained differently.

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