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What Would You Do Today for HS?

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It is a rainy day. We had a very busy weekend so I didn't get a chance to do lesson planning. It os one of those days when I wish I had some ideas that are a little out of the box as far as what we can do for home schooling without a ton of advanced planning.


What are some semi-fun, educational things you might do for home school on a day like today?

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Your olders especially could probably go ahead with math, right? I'd assign that first and then I'd head over to this site and see what we could watch or listen to that I could count as school. While they are doing that, I'd plan another class or two. If I felt really lazy, I might see if there was a library book or video in the house that I could 'count' too.

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I assume you have a math curriculum? My kids open their math book and continue where they left the last time - I do not lesson plan.

You probably also have a literature list or at least a few ideas of books you'd like them to read? They can read.

For light days, you can always have them watch a documentary that meshes with their history studies.

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Your olders especially could probably go ahead with math, right? I'd assign that first and then I'd head over to this site and see what we could watch or listen to that I could count as school. While they are doing that, I'd plan another class or two. If I felt really lazy, I might see if there was a library book or video in the house that I could 'count' too.


:iagree: When nothing else works, math and grammar get done. Then, reading and DVD school (which is our generic name for Teaching Company lectures either audio or video, movies/documentaries via Netflix or Amazon streaming, or actual dvds). With a chronically ill child, this happens in my house a lot!

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I keep a shelf of rainy day things. It's all those odd things (books, kits, etc.) you collect that don't really have a spot in your curriculum like juggling, clown skills, balloon animals, japanese flower arranging... I also usually have a new (to us) wii game stashed somewhere that I can pull out when it's just "one of those days"... :)

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I'd do the basic things I don't have to plan (for us this would be math, spelling, handwriting, Rosetta Stone Russian, and typing) and then I'd throw in something like a cooking project, a documentary that is related to what we're learning, free reading time, maybe an educational game.

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