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Teachers Lounge 9-25-2012

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Come in as long as you're bringing chocolate with you! :D


Taking a 10 minute break from doing some history with the kiddos because my 8yo ds is WHINEY. And HAS BEEN for weeks now. Ugh. I just told him I can't teach him if every time I correct or give instruction or ask a question, he WHINES at me! :tongue_smilie: Anyone else having a day like this?


Lunch? Here: Hot Pockets. Although I couldn't finish all of mine.


Going anywhere today? :auto:Here: to the community center later. Both dd and I have dance.


What's special about today? Here: I get to go dance later!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch? My DD is making us bean tostadas.


Going anywhere today? I have to go pick up my other daughter from high school.


What's special about today? I got a dentist appointment for tomorrow. I thought I had two cavities, but the receptionist at the dentist office told me I have eight. :eek:

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Lunch? salad with chicken and sunflower seeds on top. And 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate with touch of seasalt.


Going anywhere today? Grocery store later and possibly the art store to buy a canvas for school. The Y in the evening for Zumba


What's special about today? I get to go to my Zumba happy place. And I signed the papers this morning at the local p.s. signalling that dd10 has graduated out of speech therapy.


I'm glad that you opened the lounge today, Scrap. I've missed it.

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Lunch: Chicken Soup with Rice (one of DS favorite books right now!) Had to make lunch with what I had and homemade chx stock and rice were available!


Going out? Dropping DS at baseball game and picking up CSA veggies at the church next door to the field. DH is the coach. I'm not staying for the game b/c DD is sick. :(


Special today? Just a quiet at-home day with a tiny bit of schoolwork, since DD has a high temp every time the ibuprofen wears off. Did spend a lot of time playing with DS today and that was nice.

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Lunch: Chicken salad with tortilla chips and sweet tea. Comfort food. :tongue_smilie:


Going anywhere: Nope. I rarely go anywhere during the week.


Special Today: Xander had a developmental screening. It was facinating to watch him interact.


Certain parts, I guess I hadn't realized. He is very physical, but cannot hop on one foot The look on his face was like this: :001_huh:


He can stack blocks very high if he only uses his dominant hand. Alternating? Just a few. Most likely because he does EVERYTHING with his right hand since his left thumb resides in his mouth quite often.


Funny moment of the testing:


The test put a block under a cup and swirled two cups around and asked him to find the block. He did. The second time, she swirled them the other way, and he chose the wrong cup. She said she would try again. This time when she asked him to find the block he lifted both cups and looked at her and said, "I WIN!"


So typical for Xander... Not what she was going for though. ;)


Tomorrow I find out the results.. I'm already sick to my stomach.

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It's been a horrid day around here, complete with crying dd because we discovered that the local GS council has deemed Juliettes not eligible for anywhere near the same proceeds as girls in a troop, and not eligible for incentives based on orders sold for donations {Care to Share}. Oh and not informing anyone that Care to Share wasn't eligible either - I discovered entirely by accident. I'm strongly considering pulling her from GS if this is the way they want to go.


Skipped lunch & took a nap, stayed home and did laundry today.

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