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Too much language arts?


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I'm reevaluating for my 5th grader. She's doing WWE level 4, because we started it near the end of last year. She's also doing Rod and Staff grammar level 5 and a book called Five Finger Exercises for creative writing. We're also using SOTW so she's doing narrations with history as well.


I feel like this is a bit much, but I'm hesitant to drop anything. I really like WWE and I think it's good for her because she still struggles quite a bit with the dictation and narrations. The grammar text is very rigorous and I think that's good, too. And she loves to write stories, so I don't really want to drop creative writing.


Problem is, she rarely gets it all done each day. She feels overwhelmed and is starting to dislike writing, which she has always loved. What would you do?

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If it were me, I would alternate the 2 'writing' resources. Do a couple weeks of WWE followed by a couple weeks of the creative writing. Continue to do the English every day. Or switch that around, doing whichever of the 3 resources you feel is most beneficial to your daughter every day and alternate the other 2.


Definitely don't try to do it all every day!

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Are you doing the writing in R&S? I would probably skip the writing portion of that, and continue with the other two (WWE and the creative writing thing), alternating between the two. You may not need all 36 weeks of WWE4 anyway. Just do what you can, and move into WWS next year?

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I would condense or take something out of the lessons, for example if she's doing a creative writing curric she doesn't need more writing from another one. Once you've done that, alternate the lessons, have one core every day, then do book A monday and tuesday, and book B wednesday and thursday.

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My 4th grader is doing R&S 4 and Creative Writer. I am finding this to be plenty of writing. He also writes narrations for history and science. We do dictation exercises a couple of times a week. He does dictation with Spelling Wisdom and I also add in a paragraph from a book he is reading at least once a week. He does R&S 4 days a week and Creative Writer on Fridays. I am looking at starting WWS next year but fear it will become to much for him. I have no intention of dropping R&S as it is working so well for us and he wants to be an author so dropping Creative Writer is not really an option either. I hope that with the writing assignments in R&S and writing narration for science and history, I will be able to give him enough practice in writing.

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Problem is, she rarely gets it all done each day. She feels overwhelmed and is starting to dislike writing, which she has always loved. What would you do?


1) I'd set a max time that LA lasts each day and get her input as to what is reasonable. 2) I'd keep whatever she loves--maybe for half the LA time daily. 3) I'd keep whatever you think she is gaining most from at this time (one thing or rotation of several) for the rest of the LA time daily. 4) Personally I'd prob. drop the grammar and let that be learned in course of dictation, writing, etc.

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If it were me, I would alternate the 2 'writing' resources. Do a couple weeks of WWE followed by a couple weeks of the creative writing. Continue to do the English every day. Or switch that around, doing whichever of the 3 resources you feel is most beneficial to your daughter every day and alternate the other 2. Definitely don't try to do it all every day!


:iagree: I alternate here although we tend to alternate days rather than weeks. We have 'free writing' on Tuesdays and Thursdays along with some Bravewriter. The other days are for their English program which includes writing assignments and grammar. My kids are really enjoying their free writing times and having it scheduled into our days means it doesn't get overlooked. This has worked well for us for years ;) .

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How do you like Five Finger Exercises?


I really, really like it. I feel like it gives her something to jump off from. I love the idea of free writing time, but I'm worried about skipping something or missing something. If she takes two years to finish R&S 5, is she behind? I feel like its more rigorous than ps but I'm nervous about getting behind.

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I agree with others, alternate something, or drop something--I like to remember that we don't need to do every language arts topic every year.


Would she write creative stories on her own for fun if you didn't assign that type of writing? If so...maybe it doesn't have to be a regular subject, or maybe you could rotate it in and out?


Here are my considerations when deciding what to do for LA. HTH some! Merry :-)

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