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Sonlight users: I need advice!


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Upon hearing that we homeschool, one of my husband's customers gave us a ton of homeschool books/supplies.


Included was a Sonlight Teacher's Manual. Inside the first page says:


Four Civilizations Basic

Comprehensive Instructor's Guide and Notes


It's a 2001 Edition, and I believe its for first/second grade.


What can I do with it? I have no previous experience with Sonlight.

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Upon hearing that we homeschool, one of my husband's customers gave us a ton of homeschool books/supplies.


Included was a Sonlight Teacher's Manual. Inside the first page says:


Four Civilizations Basic

Comprehensive Instructor's Guide and Notes


It's a 2001 Edition, and I believe its for first/second grade.


What can I do with it? I have no previous experience with Sonlight.


I think this is their old 1st/2nd grade curriculum, the one I used when my oldest was little, but I'm not positive. If you look through the book list and compare it to the current B & C Cores, as well as the grade 1 - 3 readers, it most likely contains compenents from them all. If you feel like doing a 1 year world history tour it would still work great. The main books are Hilyer's A Child's History of the World, the Usborne Book of World History & the old Usborne Time Traveler Omnibus. It may also have Usborne Book of World Geography listed as a spine.

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That's now called Core A :D and makes a GREAT place to start with Sonlight, especially with the ages of your kids as you can combine them all in one core. I bet in the box was at least part of the books that go with it. There should be a book list in the first few pages of the guide.


I don't think so. I think Four Civilizations is now B.

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Thank you everyone for your replies.


It seems that she also gave us some of the books that came with it, mostly history and science and none of the readers. I still get confused when I try to understand Sonlight's lesson plans.


I've never used a boxed curriculum of any kind, how would I start?


In Core B, the reader package is separate. You could easily get those books from your library, most likely. They're often popular books that are easy to find.


Some links you might find useful:



http://www.sonlight.com/readers.html (choose the one that fits your child's reading level, and just have them read through the books - you don't need the schedule, as they don't coincide with your history readings)

http://www.sonlight.com/homeschool-curriculum.html?core=B (you can compare books to see if this is probably the core you have, plus you can see things that have changed, but again, if you have the books for the core you have, you don't need the updated books unless you just want some extra reading)

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Thank you Boscopup for the links. =)


From comparing the books of Core B, I don't see any of the books that I have.


Here's what the lady gave me:


For History:

If your name was changed at Ellis Island

If you lived at the time of the American Revolution

If you grew up with Abraham Lincoln

If you sailed on The Mayflower in 1620

If you grew up with George Washington

George Washington's Breakfast

Johnny Appleseed

The 4th of July Story

Early American History, A literature Approach

A more perfect Union, The story of our constitution

America's Providential History

The pilgrims of Plimoth

The winter at Valley Forge


Will you sign here, John Hancock?

And then what happened, Paul Revere?

Shh! We're writing the Constitution

The American flag

American Pioneers and Patriots

History Pockets Colonial America


The rest of these are Beautiful Feet Books:

Buffalo Bill

Leif the Lucky


Benjamin Franklin

Abraham Lincoln


George Washington

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Hmm, the books you were given are all the first part of American history, which would be Core D now, and have nothing to do with the Four Civilizations year. Have you looked in the IG?




Early in the IG, there should be a book list. If it's world history, it should be vastly different than the books she gave you. :tongue_smilie:

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Thank you Boscopup for the links. =)


From comparing the books of Core B, I don't see any of the books that I have.


Here's what the lady gave me:


For History:

If your name was changed at Ellis Island

If you lived at the time of the American Revolution

If you grew up with Abraham Lincoln

If you sailed on The Mayflower in 1620

If you grew up with George Washington

George Washington's Breakfast

Johnny Appleseed

The 4th of July Story

Early American History, A literature Approach

A more perfect Union, The story of our constitution

America's Providential History

The pilgrims of Plimoth

The winter at Valley Forge


Will you sign here, John Hancock?

And then what happened, Paul Revere?

Shh! We're writing the Constitution

The American flag

American Pioneers and Patriots

History Pockets Colonial America


The rest of these are Beautiful Feet Books:

Buffalo Bill

Leif the Lucky


Benjamin Franklin

Abraham Lincoln


George Washington


Oh my good. ness. You are so lucky! Those are really great books. :D

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