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Lots of tomatoes..need good recipes for making sauce from them

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For plain sauce we use a saucer to process the tomatoes, then just cook them down to the consistency we want and can them with a tsp of lemon juice and 1/4 tsp salt per pint. It usually takes a few hours for them to cook down to the right consistency.


For spaghetti sauce we start the same way, but cook longer and add sauteed onions and peppers, and italian seasonings. We don't have an exact recipe, we just eyeball it since dh and I have both been making our own sauce for years and pretty much know how much we need. Also if you like chunky spaghetti sauce you can blanch, peel, and chop some of the tomatoes to add to the sauce.

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Just curious, what is the advantage of skinning and removing the seeds? It just sounds like a whole lot of extra work to me :D


I don't remove seeds, but I remove skins, because I just prefer them that way :001_smile:.


I don't find our process too labor intensive.


1. hold a wire basket of tomatoes in boiling water for 30-40 seconds.

2. transfer tomatoes to cold water bath in my sink

3. peel, core, and quarter and place in bowl (clean jars in boiling canner at this point)

4. transfer readied tomatoes to quart jars, add 2 TBS lemon juice, 1tsp salt

5. place lid and ring on jar, place back in boiling canner, lower rack into water when your jars are complete, place lid on canner

7. once water comes to a boil again, time for 45 minutes

8. after 45 minutes, remove lid from canner, and turn off stove. let jars sit 5 minutes. remove jars from canner



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I tried making pizza sauce yesterday from fresh tomatoes. While it tasted good, it wasn't quite right. So if anyone has a good recipe for making pizza sauce without using canned tomatoes or sauce or paste, please share.



I'd love a pizza sauce recipe too!


I make ketchup and a blended sauce with garlic & basil for soups.

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