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WDW - safe to ride pg? safe for toddlers to ride?

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They will have signs posted on any rides that have restrictions for pregnant women. Your 13 mo can go on anything that doesn't have a height (or other) restriction. My youngest went on all the dark rides, theatre attractions, and 3D (and other) movies at that age....and younger. His first trip to Disney was at four months. :D

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Do you have the WDW for families book? They have the ins and outs of all the rides. They tell you if something has anything that might not be okay for kids. Bumpy, loud, dark etc. this way you can make that call. My dd used to be deathly afraid of dark rides. Even the rides with a little dark would freak her out. So, that book was my bible! Rides like the people mover and spaceship earth would have been horrible when she was younger. Simple rides for most of us! Now, she will ride anything!


As far as pregnancy, I'd follow Disney guidelines. Each ride has a sign. I would think that any ride that's okay for a 13 month old would be fine for a pregnant woman!


We just left today and I'm depressed!

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We did WDW last year when I was 30-31 weeks pregnant. I did anything that didn't have a warning for pregnant women and I even did the safar at animal kingdom even though it did have the warning. My husband went on it first just to see if it would be ok and we felt fine about it. I would have done soarin too but, well, the belly didn't fit in the harness

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We went up to Orlando in May 2000. My wife was about 4 months pregnant at that time and we had the permission of her OB-GYN to travel. We met a childhood friend and his wife in Orlando and went to WDW.


Rides that are dangerous for pregnant women, people with heart problems, etc., are posted. My wife sat outside, waiting for us, on a bunch of rides that we went on.


Check with the OB-GYN and enjoy!

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We did WDW last year when I was 30-31 weeks pregnant. I did anything that didn't have a warning for pregnant women and I even did the safar at animal kingdom even though it did have the warning. My husband went on it first just to see if it would be ok and we felt fine about it. I would have done soarin too but, well, the belly didn't fit in the harness

I hope you get to go back and do soarin! It's such a gentle ride! And soooooo much fun.

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I took mine at 6 months on anything that it said they could ride, they were fine. I think the Safari ride in Animal Kingdom and probably Soaring are fine when pregnant even if they have the sign not to ride. It is really up to how she is feeling and what she wants to go on. I won't do any roller coasters obviously.

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Do you have the WDW for families book? They have the ins and outs of all the rides. They tell you if something has anything that might not be okay for kids. Bumpy, loud, dark etc. this way you can make that call. My dd used to be deathly afraid of dark rides. Even the rides with a little dark would freak her out. So, that book was my bible! Rides like the people mover and spaceship earth would have been horrible when she was younger. Simple rides for most of us! Now, she will ride anything!


As far as pregnancy, I'd follow Disney guidelines. Each ride has a sign. I would think that any ride that's okay for a 13 month old would be fine for a pregnant woman!


We just left today and I'm depressed!


How was it?!? Did y'all have a blast?


We leave in 16 days, which means we will be back home in 23. :(


The only fun thing is that I get to start planning next year's big family trip after we get home!!

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Toy Story Mania, and "kiddie" rides of that nature. My niece actually rode ToT fairly far into her pg, but there was a pg nurse in line that was riding it and said it was not a big deal at all.


She would def not do coasters. She was hoping to do Dinosaur, but I think that's a big no-no.

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I took mine at 6 months on anything that it said they could ride, they were fine. I think the Safari ride in Animal Kingdom and probably Soaring are fine when pregnant even if they have the sign not to ride. It is really up to how she is feeling and what she wants to go on. I won't do any roller coasters obviously.


I did Soaring while pregnant, no problem. One of my favorites!

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Toy Story Mania, and "kiddie" rides of that nature. My niece actually rode ToT fairly far into her pg, but there was a pg nurse in line that was riding it and said it was not a big deal at all.


She would def not do coasters. She was hoping to do Dinosaur, but I think that's a big no-no.


I've done Toy Story Mania with 2 different children at around that age, and they were both fine. I don't know how much they could see because they couldn't keep the glasses on, but they were fine to ride it.


I can't recall exactly where the safety bar rests on that ride though, so I can't say whether or not I'd want to go on while pregnant. The actual motion was probably okay, but that lap bar might put the pressure more on your stomach which would make me nervous.

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