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Potato Cakes? (using leftover mashed potatoes)

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Recipe I use comes from Irish Food and Cooking...


About 3 cups mashed potatoes

1-1.5 cups flour

Butter and salt to taste


Turn cooled mashed potatoes onto a floured cutting board/surface. Knead in as much flour as it takes to make a pliable dough. Roll out to a thickness of about 1/2 inch, and cut into triangles. They say you can cook them in a dry skillet as long as you heat it well first, but for me they always stick, so I use a little butter or cooking spray. Cook about 3-4 minutes on each side, or until crispy brown.


I think they'd freeze well - just wrap them carefully first.

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I would throw in an egg or two and enough flour to get the "right" consistency for potato pancakes.


This is what we do - we fry them on the griddle and serve them with ketchup! They're so popular here that we make an extra-big batch of mashed potatoes just so we'll have extra every time! :)


Very filling, too! (We've never tried to freeze them, though - if that works, come back and let us know!) :)

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I simply mix about a doz eggs in with my mashed potatoes and fry. I have added onions and peppers but my two youngest don't like them that way. Now if someone wants that I simply drop a few of each in each cake. I love them with just butter but the kids like them with butter and honey.:tongue_smilie:


Of course salt and pepper to taste.

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