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It seems he's doing well...


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This was on middle son's FB page today...


Second day of classes... Fun!

First day with my new job... Great!

Watched a midnight showing of the Avengers... Spectacular!

Doing it all with friends... Priceless :D


I take it he's enjoying himself. ;)


I hope others who have launched are doing well as they settle in too... it makes missing them easier.

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This was on middle son's FB page today...


Second day of classes... Fun!

First day with my new job... Great!

Watched a midnight showing of the Avengers... Spectacular!

Doing it all with friends... Priceless :D


I take it he's enjoying himself. ;)


My son sounds so ridiculously happy every time I talk with him that I find it harder to miss him -- I think of him bubbling over with the new adventures he's having!


Good news all around! Sounds like they picked wisely!:party:

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My son was a little freaked on Wednesday after his first Discrete Math class. " Mom, nothing in the first chaper made any sense!" He came home, grabbed all his highschoolers math notes and the Schaum's Calculus, spent Thursday reading/reviewing/studying/watching online videos when not in class or at work. Friday after Discrete Math he sent me this text "Math made complete sense today!"



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My son was a little freaked on Wednesday after his first Discrete Math class. " Mom, nothing in the first chaper made any sense!" He came home, grabbed all his highschoolers math notes and the Schaum's Calculus, spent Thursday reading/reviewing/studying/watching online videos when not in class or at work. Friday after Discrete Math he sent me this text "Math made complete sense today!"




It's really good when they know to make use of their resources rather than giving up. It's not quite academics, but middle son's resume got corrupted on google docs so he couldn't use it when looking for a job. Instead of a call home, he went to their Career Center and got help making another one. When he called last night he told us about it and added that the one from the Career Center was a "Killer Resume" that he was very pleased with. I'm glad they have these sorts of resources at college! I'm sure it will also come in handy when he gets stuck in a class or with a paper (not necessarily the Career Center, but other areas).


Congrats for raising a "stick to it" kind of guy!

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My dd is doing much better this time around. She has a private apartment and a car and that makes all the difference in the world. She drove home for the weekend and had no problems with the 4 hour drive. She even made the drive back without stopping at all on the way.


She made sure to sign up for one more class than she is required to take (required to take 15 hours for her scholarship). She was very happy that she had because one of her teachers had an accent that she just couldn't understand at all, so she dropped that class. She was thrilled with the Russian accent of one of her teachers though. She loves the sound of that accent.

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Laurel - I hope your daughter gets answers and solutions. :grouphug:


Angie - sounds like your daughter is doing quite well!


Gwen - I'd take the kayak request as a plus. ;)


Catherine - should I tell my guy yours asked for the recipe? :lol: It sounds like he's doing well!


Mine did laundry yesterday. All went well... ;) He also called to chat Saturday night and was bubbling over with things to share. It was great hearing from him.

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