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I know virtual schools have been discussed before, but help me with some perspective?

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What is the purpose of excluding members of certain denominations from allegedly "non-denominational Christian" groups? I am not eligible to join the local "non-denominational Christian" support group because they purposely word their SOF to exclude my denomination. Once they included language in their SOF beyond what is in the Nicene Creed, they are redefining "Christian" in a purposefully exclusionary way :glare:


I am on record as being generally against specific statements of faith. Considering that homeschooling is already a minority group, I think joining together gives us more options. That is how I see it across the board.

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What is the purpose of excluding members of certain denominations from allegedly "non-denominational Christian" groups? I am not eligible to join the local "non-denominational Christian" support group because they purposely word their SOF to exclude my denomination. Once they included language in their SOF beyond what is in the Nicene Creed, they are redefining "Christian" in a purposefully exclusionary way :glare:


I understood Non-Denominational to actually be a denomination. Which may be a whole other discussion. But our local non denominational groups have specific SOF's that exclude my faith as well. I only have to sign it if I want to lead anything.


I think virtual or create your own, it is all homeschooling. If I had a virtual option, that was decent, and paid for....I'd use it.

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All I heard was the whine of why I was being mean to their kids by not coaching a team they could participate in. And the other team that they could participate in? Not interested in it.


Unfortunately there are many people who will complain to no end if they don't get exactly what they want done for them 100%. You can't win with those types no matter what you do.


There just is no good way to post that if the people on the receiving end are going to be easily upset. So now I never post.


If they choose VS, it is their responsibility to accept that the choice comes with some consequences. They would be excluded by rules you have no control over, not by you personally or by the group in general. I would post anyway and if they were offended, put it right back on them.

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That's the problem I have run into. Being in a state that defines homeschooling and has a legal definition of one and different ways to do that AND a virtual school that is not a public school AND a host of online charter schools that are public school in which at least in the upper years requires no more involvement for the parent than any well meaning public school b&m parent, it is a dang mess. The mixed groups are always running into issues with scheduling. It gets frustrating mostly because the parents are down right nasty about it."well my child has to be in school during that time, can't you change it to afterschool time. I don't Understand why you can't accommodate me? ". And they get really offended and put out tons of posts about how horrible it is to belong to a group that doesn't work with them and are excluding their children. No,I'm just trying to schedule a time that doesn't put me in crowds of people or rush hour traffic. That's why I homeschool. I like to schedule my field trips after the public school morning visits and before the after school visits. Why does that make me the bad guy?? It is less stress for me to know my olds can see the exhibits, take as long as they want without losing my toddler.


It does sound like virtual school is very different elsewhere or different in the early years.





But again,here is the problem. So far that hasn't been enough. It is not good enough. I set up a couple of homeschool only competition team meets to develop a team for some science/math stuff. I also had some that the legal labels didn't matter. So in my eyes I was trying to provide and get going two teams (different things one was science and one was robotics) that would allow everyone's kids to be involved somehow in something. I finally said @&8$ it. And dropped it all. The fuss was more than I wanted to deal with. It eventually wound up with the online school group that could not compete with the homeschool team insisting that I should set up two teams and follow both through competition. HMM??? I gave all the info and said I would more than glad to help walk you through the process and you Can coach one, I'll coach the other and we can cheer each other on.not good enough. Lots of bad feelings over that one. Cause I was being so freaking hard core and mean not to coach everybody just because of what system they used. Uhm, no.. The competition declared that and my old self declared I couldn't do two high school teams and a middle school team for my younger and homeschool a first grader and chase a baby. Sorry I'm not supermom! No amount of explaining, showing the rules, helped. All I heard was the whine of why I was being mean to their kids by not coaching a team they could participate in. And the other team that they could participate in? Not interested in it.


I just gave up.


It has just been a mess and I fully understand any group that is trying to do educational things not allowing those that are legally public schools.


I also don't understand groups that are just a social outlet type group banning them if we just talking about some parties and playdates.


But at least in my state , it has been a very rough start for the support groups when online public schools came out. It is getting better but still lots of hurt feelings over why someone would post a meeting about a competition team that is only open to kids who school under this particular state law. There just is no good way to post that if the people on the receiving end are going to be easily upset. So now I never post.


Thanks for the explanation. I really had never thought of these types of issues. We have only been associated with a very large homeschool center and if these types of problems arose, our paid director would handle it. I can imagine it's very frustrating when you are volunteering your time and energy and then have to deal with constantly complaining parents who aren't willing to lead teams or field trips, and want everything to revolve around their schedules. Every year there are classes, field trips, and competition teams at our center that we can't participate in because of schedule conflicts. But we choose what works and make the most of it. I'm just very grateful for those that are willing to take on leadership, teaching, and coaching roles.


I do know that our center is very clear about all of the eligibility rules whenever openings are posted for competition teams. But I also realize this may not be enough in your situation, as some parents simply refuse to hear what they don't want to hear.

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With us, it wasn't only that we went with boxed curriculum (Calvert, Seton), but also that dh was unemployed, so I went to work and left him to be the main teaching parent. He and the dc were asked not to come back to park day because homeschooling was a mom's job, and we weren't REALLY homeschooling anyway.


oh wow Jerin, my jaw just dropped open. I am so sorry. I have been excluded, uninvited, etc...but wow, that just stunned me.

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