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kid and adult devices and accounts

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Okay, so the kids won a Kindle Fire from the library. And I'm really, really thrilled. I mean, free device.:w00t:


The thing is... I feel hesitant to plug it into my account, which has a ton of not appropriate for kids books in there. But if I don't, then they can't get to the kid books that are in there - I'd have to buy them again. :( It's not that many, but still. And it would seem to be useful to have it hooked up to my Prime account for the streaming, right?


And if I wanted to do a separate account, would that mean I have to have a separate email address? Because what a pain in the rear.


I'm probably just going to hook it to my account, but I'm feeling really annoyed by this issue of having to have the same library. Ditto our Netflix queue lately (I know, separate issue, but it seems to stem from the same thing of not being able to manage kid content and adult content for a family on a shared account).


Just curious what others have done. Answer fast as if I don't get this thing hooked up soon, the kids will be way annoyed.:tongue_smilie:

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Well, my ds has his iPod touch (Kindle app) hooked into my amazon account, but I only send the books to his iPod that I want him to read. Now he is only 8, so I'm sure if he were older he could figure out how to get access to everything (maybe?). But for now, this works for us.


Congrats on the free Kindle Fire! How cool is that? :001_smile:

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Here's what you can do -- it's a nuisance at first, but it works -- sync the Fire with your Amazon account. The little carousel thingie on the Fire will show ALL of your Kindle books. Even the naughty ones.


BUT... they don't have to stay there. If you put your finger near the top of one of the little book icons, you'll get the option to download the book or to Remove from Carousel. Pick Remove, and it'll be gone. If you accidentally click on Download, just X out, and then do the Remove thing.


Plan on this taking a while if you have a lot of Kindle books, because you need to do it for Every. Single. Title.


Ask me how I know. :glare:


You can just leave the books you want your kids to see on the Fire, and they'll never need to know that you're reading those free vampire BDSM novels.


BUT... every time you buy a new Kindle title from Amazon, you've got to get hold of that Fire, do the Sync thing (the little gear icon,) and delete it from the carousel, because even if you send the book to a different Kindle or other device, it's still going to show up on that stupid carousel on the Fire.


EDITED TO ADD: Once you register the Fire, things like Amazon Prime streaming videos are super-easy to use -- once you register, it just seems to "know" what to do!

Edited by Catwoman
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Here's what you can do -- it's a nuisance at first, but it works -- sync the Fire with your Amazon account. The little carousel thingie on the Fire will show ALL of your Kindle books. Even the naughty ones.


BUT... they don't have to stay there. If you put your finger near the top of one of the little book icons, you'll get the option to download the book or to Remove from Carousel. Pick Remove, and it'll be gone. If you accidentally click on Download, just X out, and then do the Remove thing.


Plan on this taking a while if you have a lot of Kindle books, because you need to do it for Every. Single. Title.


Ask me how I know. :glare:


You can just leave the books you want your kids to see on the Fire, and they'll never need to know that you're reading those free vampire BDSM novels.


BUT... every time you buy a new Kindle title from Amazon, you've got to get hold of that Fire, do the Sync thing (the little gear icon,) and delete it from the carousel, because even if you send the book to a different Kindle or other device, it's still going to show up on that stupid carousel on the Fire.


I don't have a Fire (I have a Kindle Touch), but I think you can also do this from your Amazon account.

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I have the Kindle app and the actual old fashioned style Kindle, so I know it doesn't have to show all the books. But I assume that like those, there's a way to just see the "Cloud" library, so the kids would have to just know not to click on that, right?



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I don't have a Fire (I have a Kindle Touch), but I think you can also do this from your Amazon account.


I don't know if you can delete things from the carousel via the Amazon "manage your Kindle" page. The Fire seems to handle that stuff differently than my regular Kindle.


One thing, though -- it's a lot faster to delete directly from the carousel than it is to do anything at all on the Amazon account page. With the Fire, you tap on the top part of the book cover, click Remove from Carousel, and you're done almost immediately. It's only a nuisance when you have hundreds of titles to remove all at once.


BTW, I forgot to mention this in my other post, but the books aren't actually loaded on the Fire unless you order them that way, or click "download" when you tap the book cover. The carousel is more of an index to what you own, so while you see the titles and book covers, the books aren't really "there" yet, if that makes any sense.

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Don't forget to check out the Free App of the Day! It changes every day, and while sometimes the choices are lame, you can get a lot of free games and puzzles for the kids and yourself. The Fire pretty much paid for itself for us, just with those free apps.


Let me know if you can't find it, and I'll get you there! :001_smile:

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I have the Kindle app and the actual old fashioned style Kindle, so I know it doesn't have to show all the books. But I assume that like those, there's a way to just see the "Cloud" library, so the kids would have to just know not to click on that, right?




The Fire is different from the Kindle app or the "regular" Kindles, in that the carousel will show every single Kindle title you purchased on your account, whether or not you send it to that device.


So if you send a new book to your iPad or your regular Kindle, the book cover is still going to show up in your carousel and you have to remove it manually.

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The Fire is different from the Kindle app or the "regular" Kindles, in that the carousel will show every single Kindle title you purchased on your account, whether or not you send it to that device.


So if you send a new book to your iPad or your regular Kindle, the book cover is still going to show up in your carousel and you have to remove it manually.


Okay, now I understand what you're trying to say. That's even more annoying than what I was picturing. Grr...


I don't know about the Fire but Netflix gives you the option of having a 'just for kids' account alongside your own. Same account, two buttons at the beginning.


Only on the computer and only for content not in queues. I told dh he had to removed Wilfred from the instant queue because the cover makes it look like a kids' show, which is really, really is not. My kids aren't overcurious - if there were just two lists they'd do fine with it. Sigh.

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It is a bit of a pain. We got the boys iTouches for christmas and it has been a bit of a pain to keep non-kid aps or books or whatever off their itouches. We did set them up with maximum protection and parental controls, and I took youtube and safari off their devices.


But, it is still a pain. One solution we have for things like kindle account etc is I simply don't permit my kids to put things on their devices. If they want an game or something from Amazon or iTunes then they have to come to me and I take care of it. They don't have my passwords for anything.


I guess there will come a time when they will want their own iTunes account etc and we will negotiate new rules. But, for the next couple years it is still totally under my control.

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Well, I set it up and tied it to my account and immediately took several dozen books off the carousel. I am still psyched about the kids having it and when I figure out all the ins and outs, it'll be great, I'm sure. I find that I'm a little annoyed by the device management issues and comparing them to my iDevices, which I'm so much more used to and like better. I mean, it's also set to automatically let you buy stuff without a password, for example. :glare:

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I signed my dd up for her own account. That way any book she buys or gets is hers for life. (Or as long as Amazon exists :tongue_smilie:). I made her account to my email address. That way every purchase receipt comes to me. You can have multiple accounts on one email.


:iagree: I did the same thing with my girls. They each have their own Amazon accounts.

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Well, I set it up and tied it to my account and immediately took several dozen books off the carousel. I am still psyched about the kids having it and when I figure out all the ins and outs, it'll be great, I'm sure. I find that I'm a little annoyed by the device management issues and comparing them to my iDevices, which I'm so much more used to and like better. I mean, it's also set to automatically let you buy stuff without a password, for example. :glare:


You can fix that. Go into your Amazon account and go to your One-Click settings, and turn it off. You can also set up a password that needs to be used for every purchase. (You don't have to use your regular Amazon password; you set one up specifically for the Fire.)


Once you get past the initial pain of having to remove stuff from the carousel, and get your password and one-click settings set up, the Fire is pretty good. But you have to get used to the idea that every Kindle book you buy is going to show up on that carousel, so if the picture on the book cover is at all inappropriate, you've got to get to the Fire before the kids do! :D

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