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Six junk removal trucks lined up in front of my neighbor's house...

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OK. Call me crazy but seriously, if you're losing your house they junk all your stuff?
Well, our neighbor's case was special, but...

His house went into foreclosure and he was kicked out. It took a year or so for the bank to pay a visit to the house, though. In the meantime, the homeowner came back and 'squatted' at his old home. :glare: And used it as a drug house. :001_huh: All this was discovered when a kid died of a drug overdose in the house.

At that time, the homeowner skipped town in the middle of the night. When the bank did take possession of the house, they were required by law to put everything at the curb for 24 hours - to give the guy time to come back and take what he wanted. Of course, he wasn't going to come back - he had/has warrants out for his arrest. So the whole neighborhood had to suffer through looking at his carp for 24 hours. :ack2:

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If you leave it behind then yes, they call it doing a "trash out". There are companies who do this, a friend used to work for one. There's even a PBS special online you can watch http://www.pbs.org/pov/trashout/


Earlier today a neighbor was mowing, and he stopped and told me that the bank is paying them to keep the place cleaned up outside while they prepare it for sale.


And then I saw a sherrif's deputy arrive with my former neighbor. They went in for about 15 minutes and then came back out. She drove away, and then he left.



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My first thought would be to look for camera crews in case they're filming an episode of "Hoarders." But then i'm a bit obsessed with that particular program.


Me too! I had to ask myself the other day, who is the one with greater psychological problems, the one who the show is about, or me who keeps watching the show? :confused:

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If you leave it behind then yes, they call it doing a "trash out". There are companies who do this, a friend used to work for one. There's even a PBS special online you can watch http://www.pbs.org/pov/trashout/


Yes this! We were renting a home that went into foreclosure and someone showed up to empty out the house! They were going to junk all my stuff! Good thing I was home, huh?!

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You didn't have warning about the foreclosure or that they were coming?


I should have had a clue about what was up with my neighbor because a friend of ours has a "trash out" business. He doesn't call it that though, so the term didn't click at first. He had several cases early on where he showed up to empty a house and found a renter, so now he always does some checking first. If there's a renter, they're supposed to receive 90 days notice, but sometimes they haven't been notified.

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OOH! I hope it's that one!


It probably isn't, but it would give you the best stories to tell at parties for years to come. You can bring up the subject very casually...


"Oh, my neighbor used to make the best deviled eggs and I was just about to get her secret recipe when she went into the Witness Protection Program and we never saw her again."


And then of course, people are going to want details. Never mind that you don't actually have any. Just make stuff up. It's not like the woman is going to show up at the party and call you a liar, right?


Make it FUN! :D


That would trump Bean Dip!

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What I find sad is that all that furniture could have gone to a family in need instead of just being thrown away. Couches, beds, bookcases are always in need by somebody!


I looked at the website of the company that came when I was trying to puzzle this out, and they supposedly do donate what they can. The furniture I saw seemed in decent condition and some of the trucks looked like they were carefully packed. That's why this whole thing seemed so strange. Six trucks of furniture, bags of clothes, boxes of books, etc.


But of course now I know. The house was foreclosed on, and she seemingly took very little.

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