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Spelling help!


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I need some suggestions for spelling for both my kids. I want it to be easy, open and go. They need reinforcement of spelling rules and practice with the words. I would prefer it to be a workbook type for price and ease. We are using AAS and it just isn't going well....no retention and too many bells and whistles.

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If Christian content is ok, Rod & Staff Spelling teaches the phonics, syllablication, and rules, along with focusing on which words are spelled which way (like a list might have words with an /ow/ sound, and it will have them write the words spelled /ow/ with "ou", and then a separate section will have them write the words spelled /ow/ with "ow").


It's EASY to get done everyday, it's cheap, and it's very effective. We used AAS prior to this, and I also needed something more independent. My son didn't need me to teach spelling. He just needed to work on it everyday. R&S is working very well for us. It gets done daily, and I've noticed his spelling is greatly improving in his writing. :)

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My DS is in 2nd grade. On the recommendation of this board, we tried R & S spelling 2. It has been WAY too easy, I even went to the end of the book and my son knew 99% of the words easily already. I cannot decide if I should try R & S level 3 or change to a different curriculum.

I really like the low cost of R & S.

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My DS is in 2nd grade. On the recommendation of this board, we tried R & S spelling 2. It has been WAY too easy, I even went to the end of the book and my son knew 99% of the words easily already. I cannot decide if I should try R & S level 3 or change to a different curriculum.

I really like the low cost of R & S.


I tried R&S 2 in first grade (halfway through the year), and I found it too easy and random also. I sold it after one week. Went to AAS and used 3 levels of that, then I went back to R&S 3. This was a better fit (in 2nd grade). We have 9 weeks left of R&S 3, and then we'll move into R&S 4. DS is in 3rd grade.


So I would suggest bumping up to R&S 3. Also, keep in mind that working with the words is very beneficial - sometimes the exercises are harder than the words. ;) But I found R&S 2 didn't work with phonics that much (they expect you to be doing R&S Phonics 2), so it wasn't as cool as grades 3 and up.


Take a look at the samples. They have the word lists there on the http://rodandstaffbooks.com site.

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My DS is in 2nd grade. On the recommendation of this board, we tried R & S spelling 2. It has been WAY too easy, I even went to the end of the book and my son knew 99% of the words easily already. I cannot decide if I should try R & S level 3 or change to a different curriculum.


I really like the low cost of R & S.

Spelling by Sound and Structure is very simple for first and second grades, but it picks up in fourth. And it isn't that the words lists are more difficult; it's that the lessons are challenging.


Second and third grades are really just an adjunct to reading/phonics instruction.

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We just started using Spelling Power. It is very easy and takes a max of 15 minutes a day (5 minutes with me and then max 10 on her own). It goes over the spelling rules and groups the words together. I also like that I can use it for multiple years. I do not have dd do any of the extra reinforcements just the steps and it has really helped her in just the first couple of weeks. You might want to give it a look

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I have been using AAS levels 2/3 and while I feel like my son is improving it really seems to take a lot of time, I almost feel like spelling shouldn't be THIS complicated. I feel he is getting sick of the tiles as well, they seem burdensome to him and not necessary. Hm, I have Spelling Power but Spelling has always been a struggle for him so I was pleased with the progress in AAS. I think we will finish up level 3 and move on to Spelling Power. We shall see, I am glad to see I am not the only one. OH, and I cannot imagine doing this with my other two children as well. I would have 3 that I have to manage....hm, just not sure it will be practical for the long haul but it has been very helpful.


Ah, spelling....:lol:

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Thanks everyone....or anyone else who wants to still chime in. It looks like Rod and Staff is something I should take a look at. I can't get the samples to load, though, at the website someone recommended :>(

I was wondering about the Sequential Spelling also....it would be nice to start both of them in the same level. For someone who uses that, do you just need one of the student books per student and then one Teachers Manual? I was a little confused by their website, but it was a little more simplified in looking at it at CBD......

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Thanks everyone....or anyone else who wants to still chime in. It looks like Rod and Staff is something I should take a look at. I can't get the samples to load, though, at the website someone recommended :>(

I was wondering about the Sequential Spelling also....it would be nice to start both of them in the same level. For someone who uses that, do you just need one of the student books per student and then one Teachers Manual? I was a little confused by their website, but it was a little more simplified in looking at it at CBD......


Sequential Spelling doesn't teach the rules. YOU have to fill in that part. They just go by pattern. Also, it isn't a workbook. You read the words in the teacher book, and they write them down, then check their work. When we tried it, I just had the book with the words in it, and my son wrote the words on the white board. We stopped using it because my son wanted to know the spelling rules, and I didn't know them all myself, so I couldn't just teach them as they came up.


Here's the 3rd grade R&S sample.

Here's the 4th grade R&S sample.

Here's the 5th grade R&S sample.


I wasn't sure what grades you were looking for, but maybe that will help.

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Sequential Spelling doesn't teach the rules. YOU have to fill in that part. They just go by pattern. Also, it isn't a workbook. You read the words in the teacher book, and they write them down, then check their work. When we tried it, I just had the book with the words in it, and my son wrote the words on the white board. We stopped using it because my son wanted to know the spelling rules, and I didn't know them all myself, so I couldn't just teach them as they came up.





This was exactly our experience with SS as well. We switched to How to Teach Spelling (using the workbooks) and have been very happy. It would be something else for you to look at, but if you want something that is totally independent, it might not be a good fit for you. You need to do dictation w/ the child every few days or so. Though dictation days (done on whiteboard) usually take us only 5-10 minutes.


More on HTTS can be found on my blog: http://dougcarla.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/how-to-teach-spelling-review/

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