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My 4yo ds is having allergy testing tomorrow. What should I expect?

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I really have no idea of what to expect tomorrow, other than it may take 3-4 hours. I have a huge bag packed with books, crayons, etc. He is being testing for a peanut allergy for sure, and I'm hoping to also have him tested for other nuts, plus anything that may be causing his eczema. What should I expect? Thanks!

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Well, with mine, they had me lay on my stomach and be very still. They made some marks on my back and did a bunch (like 100+) little scratch like pricks. Then they put the allergens on, one on each prick. I had to wait a certain amount of time for the stuff to have a chance to react. Then they came back in to read the results.


After that, they did 23 under the skin injections in my forearm on the underneath side. This was to further test for reactions.


I don't know what they will do or how much for a small child. That might be a lot at one time. I just know what they did for mine. The back stuff was irritating and hurt a little (not much). But the injections in the forearm was not fun!


I hope your ds does not have to go through all of that in one day. Surely not! Good luck!!!

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First, I am assuming you have child care for the other kids---if not, try to arrange that if at all possible---even a teen to sit with them in the waiting room is better than nothing.


My kids had the skin prick tests on their back. They didn't really "like" it but it didn't really hurt. They did trays of 12 or so at a time--I think 4 trays total. We also did a blood test for other food allergies but my kids were experts at giving blood so that is no big deal for them.


I am not sure how they will handle the peanut allergy since that can cause such a severe reaction.


With eczema, I would make sure to ask about foods---dairy is a big one, along with wheat, soy, corn, eggs, and others.

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I do have child care for the kids. :) Yay for grandma!


How long did the testing take with your kids?


Thanks for reminding me to ask about foods. I'd love to just have all my kids tested, 2 have eczema, 1 has an unexplained stomach pain that comes and goes. I'm hoping for a few answers tomorrow!

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I think we were only there about 2 hours. A great deal can depend on the doctor as well has how he reacts to the tests.


I would really ask on the food allergies, esp. with the stomach pains as well for one of the kids. You might ask about doing the scratch/skin tests AND the blood tests for those as sometimes they don't show up on one test but do on the other.


Lactose intolerance and other intolerances might not show up as an allergy but still cause the stomach pain. http://www.houstonni.net has some digestive enzymes that might help with that but ONLY if it is not a true allergy or celiac (gluten intolerance).

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did a bunch (like 100+) little scratch like pricks. Then they put the allergens on, one on each prick. I had to wait a certain amount of time for the stuff to have a chance to react. Then they came back in to read the results.


After that, they did 23 under the skin injections in my forearm on the underneath side. This was to further test for reactions.



Yep, I had the same tests done here, on me. My kids only had the scratch tests. They really don't hurt. They are just a little scary to look at. But they do itch like the dickens! :eek:


At my kids' apt. it took a long time because they asked soooo many questions, then did the tests, then waited for results, then came back in and told me new things to do to help with the allergies. It was easily 2 hrs! But I left with lots of new information.


The only good thing I can tell you about those nasty forearm shots was that they aren't like regular shots. They put them in at a severe angle and they bubble up. Did you ever stick a needle or straight pin under your skin when you were a kid? It was kinda like that, but it did hurt a little bit. I'm sorry, not much help here, I almost passed out from it...:svengo:

I don't think they do them on kids very often.


Take care! I will be thinking of you guys tomorrow!


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Well, with mine, they had me lay on my stomach and be very still. They made some marks on my back and did a bunch (like 100+) little scratch like pricks. Then they put the allergens on, one on each prick. I had to wait a certain amount of time for the stuff to have a chance to react. Then they came back in to read the results.


After that, they did 23 under the skin injections in my forearm on the underneath side. This was to further test for reactions.




We just had dd, who just turned 6, tested, and this is basically what they did with her. She sat, rather than lying on her stomach, and had to hold very still. I was able to stand right in front of her and help her hold steady while they did the injections. She had 43 scratch tests (where they inject a little allergen) in her back and then 8 more in her arms. The injections were quick (considering that there were 43), but then she had to hold very still for quite a while (maybe 30 minutes?) to allow time for a reaction to show. She was more itchy and uncomfortable than anything, but also a little scared because more needles were coming. Bringing favorite books will definitely help! The last eight sticks in the arm were actually the hardest, because dd was stressed and really unhappy by then. The promise of a trip to Barnes & Noble and "a whole chocolate chip cookie, just for you!" was very helpful.


Maybe since they are testing for a specific allergy they won't need so many needles for your ds! We knew my dd had allergies, but we didn't know What, so I guess they needed to try a lot of things! I hope your visit goes well!

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If they do the skin testing and his back starts to itch, fan his back. My ds said this helped emmensely when he had his testing done.


My doctor came in every five minutes or so to check on ds during his testing. She would look at his back and wipe off any of the ones that were obvious reactions. So, that would help. Ds only had to sit for 15 minutes and wait. Our allergist had movies for him to watch and that helped a lot!


Let us know how it goes!

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My child, who is 11 now, had the same experience as Mom2legomaniacs child three months ago. He got to watch anything on tv while he had to wait for the results on his back.


When the results came back, they had him come back for blood work to find which ones he was actually allergic to. He has had severe eczema since he was 2 months old.


Sometimes he breaks out with certain foods, but we found out with the blood tests that he was sensitive to certain foods but not actually allergic to them. Therefore, we did not have to leave them out of his meals but just told him to watch what he ate.

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WooHoo! We are back. Wow, that was a long, drawn out affair. The actual testing didn't take long, but we had to wait on the doctor several long times.


Anyway, the good news is: he is no longer allergic to peanuts! The doctor even had him eat a peanut butter sandwich (which he didn't like and only took one bite of) to make me feel better before we left. He tested negative to everything - corn, soy, dairy, wheat, chicken, dog, cat, dust mites, peanuts, ahhh, there were a few more but I can't remember. So, no explanation for the eczema, but I'm relived for now. Ds did great even though we were there for 3 hours! Thanks for the help everyone!

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