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Regular chores for a 4 year old

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I'd like to include morning and evening "chores" as a routine parts of our days and get my 4 year old in the habit of having regular chores throughout the day. (She does already pick up after herself everyday, clean up her toys and books, and help with different tasks but doesn't have any set daily chores.) I'm looking for ideas for age-appropriate chores. Evening (after dinner) chores seem a little easier to define, as they will probably mostly be putting away toys and books, straightening up their room, and getting ready for bed. Bu I'm a little stumped with regards to regular morning (after breakfast) chores, other than making the bed and getting dressed.


Anyways, I'd love to get a general idea of how others assign chores in their families with their little ones.

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In addition to general picking up, my 3 1/2 year old clears her plate from the table, helps unload the dishwasher, helps fold her clothes and small towels, and empty's small garbage cans. She also lives spraying walls and such, but is less effective at actually getting them clean. I'd like to get her wiping out the bathroom sink in the mornings. Also, she makes her bed when I remind her to.

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My dd has one of those little hand brooms and dustpan, and she sweeps up crumbs after breakfast. She also helps me with dishes if she wants to- I wash and rinse, she puts them in the drying rack. She helps me fold socks, and she puts her toys away in the evening.

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I know it sounds ridiculous, but I will have her dust the baseboards wherever her older siblings are sweeping the floor. In my defense, the baseboards are square and have two, nice dust-catching levels.


If no one is sweeping then she is using a micro-fiber cloth to wipe glass in whatever bathroom they are cleaning.


I wanted her to have regular tasks like everyone else, but I did not want to add to my own work by having to hold her hand for the job all the time. I envision the chores becoming more important as she gets older and more capable.

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