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How do you "start school"? Slowly or jump right in 100%


How do you "start school"?  

  1. 1. How do you "start school"?

    • First day, we jump right in and do 100% load.
    • We ease into the first week, doing just the basics then add other subjects
    • Take 2-3 weeks to "ease in" to the school year.
    • Obligatory other...please comment

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We just started July 2nd and will be schooling year round with a few weeks off here and there as wanted/needed. We are 7 weeks in and I still haven't started a few subjects yet. Though to be fair one of the 2 subjects we haven't started he does twice a week at OT. We are doing Kindergarten though and with only 1 child around at the moment, so we tend to get done fairly quickly at this point, which is really nice.

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We jumped in 100% and I totally regretted it. Each of the girls have a few new subjects so everyone needed help on things that I'd really planned as independent. The first few days were BAD! Now that everyone knows what to do it's much better. Next year I'll probably start with my oldest student for a couple of days and work my way down, adding them in.

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We've tended to jump in full force in past years, but this year, I am easing in! Our official start date is September 3, with a special picnic, etc. Here's my plan...


For the next three weeks:

Get a good rhythm going. When I get home from work (12:30 approx.), kids can do chores while I get lunch made. During lunch we'll watch a documentary (science or history, their choice!), then read a bit from our Afternoon Basket. Then play time for them, workout and housework for me. I'll be adding in some history reading around week 2 or 3. I also plan to add in art and music around the last week of August.


Then in September, we will do the above, and add in math, language arts, and science. That should be it - PHEW!

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what a fun question! I love reading what other people do! For the past 5 years, we have jumped in full force, but this year I'm reconsidering only because I'll have 4 to school this time around and it may take a few days to really see if the schedule I have set up works AND get the 6 and 5 year old to move from subject to subject the way I need them to! All that to say, I'm preparing myself to not get too stressed out if we don't get everything done the first day! :001_smile:

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Today was our first day of our first year at home.


We put in a full day, but the only subjects that got properly done were the ones that we had been previously afterschooling. We just picked up where we had left off with those.


Otherwise, it took the bulk of the day to just look through the new books and get acquainted with a new lifestyle.

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I voted "Take 2-3 weeks to "ease in" to the school year"


This year's plan was to just jump in 100% (as usual), but we naturally fell into the "ease in" mode. We all have needed some time to get back into our school routine & the couple of weeks has allowed some tweaking where necessary. We focused on the 3 Rs & have added in Science, History, etc...now that the basics are down. It has been awesome! I'm probably just going to plan it that way from now on...

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We don't actually really stop for the summer. We take one week off when the ps stops and we take another week off right before ps starts again. Then we get back to it. We see how much history and science is left to finish off and decide how we want to pace it (get through it quickly to have those subjects off for the rest of the summer or pace it out over most of the summer). We keep going with math, but usually cut down the time spent. My 14yo was doing two 20-minute math sessions, but dropped down to a one 30-minute math session daily for summer.


My 14yo will have a lighter start to her school year because she is getting her wisdom teeth out the day after school starts. She isn't going to be doing much at all that first week. The next week starts with Labor day and we will do school for just Tuesday and Wednesday and then leave for our annual beach trip.


My 16yo has done a cc chemistry class this summer along with the Dave Ramsey Personal Finance course and finished up her precalculus text. This week she is sticking with just chemistry because she has her final in two days. Then she'll take next week off before starting up 3 classes at the cc and two more at home.

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Easing in here as we did take off this summer so ds' attention span is not what it was. I'm planning to take about 3 weeks to get in the groove and slowly take few breaks and add more work. So, we won't be adding in more time but more work. Dd is starting very slow and we are doing basics for K. For the first half of the year we are starting reading and writing and come the second half we will be adding in formal Math (RSB) and Copywork.

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Yesterday was our first day and we jumped right in with a full load. If we were to ease into things, my kids would complain that I was adding things. Jumping in with a full load is better for them, especially if I decide to drop something. Then they feel as if the day is lessened than added to later on. ;)

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We started yesterday (Monday) and school time was from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, with a 30 minutes break/snack and a 30 minute lunch. But that included plenty of snuggly read aloud times, fun geography, and a craft for history, so the girls had a blast. Then they had a two hour nap :D and Mom got a break. LOL! Who needs to ease into it? :lol:


Today we're planning on 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, so much the same. We'll also try to get in French and a music lesson for older after Quiet Time. They still play for hours each day... they just get up super, super early. I am showered, dressed, beds made, breakfast done, girls dressed, hair neat, seated, and in my mostly right mind, and it's not even 8 o'clock in the morning. Second cup of coffee, too, and I'm good to go.

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