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When you are in a funk

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What do you do? Since the move, i havent been working out regularly. There's just so much to do in the house as we unpack, deal with the pool, lawn, etc. i know it will settle down eventually, but i know Not working out enough isnt helping me. My diet is usually excellent but has been kinda blah lately. I know what i need to do, but have no motivation or desire to eat well (and normally i am pretty fanatical about eatig well). I am going to start my regular workouts again starting next week, even if i have zero motivation, and i hope that will help. I am taking omega -3, and getting sun everyday.


I feel pretty overwhelmed by how much theRe is to do around the house. I want to EnJOY our new house, but everywhere i look there's something i need to do. I love my mom but she never knew how to relax and enjoy her house, and i dont want that to happen.


How do i get my oomph back?

Edited by Halcyon
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Crack a bottle? :D


Well unpacking and housework IS a good workout to me. I'm usually sore and tired! I'm one of those all or nothing kind. Either I'm schizophrenically busy in 1000 directions or I don't want to do anything. I don't know what you do for working out. I lift weights, and walk/run. At home I sometimes do pull ups and pushups and jump squats just to say I did something. And cut out junky food like carby stuff and sugar.


ETA: I'm kind of a freak about my diet. If I don't have time for the gym for a while and whatnot, I am ok. But if I easy lousy I'm done for. I'm pretty OCD about it. Except for an adult beverage at night.

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Crack a bottle? :D


Well unpacking and housework IS a good workout to me. I'm usually sore and tired! I'm one of those all or nothing kind. Either I'm schizophrenically busy in 1000 directions or I don't want to do anything. I don't know what you do for working out. I lift weights, and walk/run. At home I sometimes do pull ups and pushups and jump squats just to say I did something. And cut out junky food like carby stuff and sugar.


Lol i am having a cold one right now :tongue_smilie: i practice yoga twice a week and run or elliptical twice, plus calisthenics and weights. I practice yoga at home if i can. I need to eat my veggies and fruits. No desire right now.

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ETA: I'm kind of a freak about my diet. If I don't have time for the gym for a while and whatnot, I am ok. But if I easy lousy I'm done for. I'm pretty OCD about it. Except for an adult beverage at night.


See, thats how i am normally. Thats why i know this is bad.

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See, thats how i am normally. Thats why i know this is bad.


Yeah, it's my way of feeling good. It doesn't matter what I do or don't do, I have to eat a certain way or I feel like carp.


Yep, I literally live on smoothies sometimes. Actually most days I have a couple and then just eat dinner. Or, I throw a bunch of random things in a pot with some water and then blend it with some broth and herbs/seasoning or whatever. I have this all purpose chicken/soup seasoning I use. And I don't even chop stuff. I'll just grab some carrots, and celery, snap them in half, and whatever else I can find, and peas.


I am pretty meh about most things, but I am obsessive about my diet. It's probably not the greatest thing, but I guess I could have a worse obsession.

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Really? I accept that I am in a temporary funk, do what I need to do, and don't get further down because I'm not operating in my normal zone.


I'm a big fan of Pema Chodron's wisdom from When Things Fall Apart, including: “Rather than letting our negativity get the better of us, we could acknowledge that right now we feel like a piece of sh1t and not be squeamish about taking a good look.â€


So I take a good look, then change what I can, as it becomes feasible. hug.gif You'll get back into your groove.

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I say start each day with some alone time to journal, pray, set your day off right. Whatever brings you to that place where you feel ready to accomplish what you need to that day. Make a list, but not a long one, and just work a bit at a time. You will probably feel better if you get back to the exercise and healthy eating routine, then try to set the house in order. Easier said than done, I know. I have an almost 3-month old, our home just sold, we started school this week with my 6 an 3-year-olds... it's chaos! LOL. One thing at a time.

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What do you do? Since the move, i havent been working out regularly. There's just so much to do in the house as we unpack, deal with the pool, lawn, etc. i know it will settle down eventually, but i know Not working out enough isnt helping me. My diet is usually excellent but has been kinda blah lately. I know what i need to do, but have no motivation or desire to eat well (and normally i am pretty fanatical about eatig well). I am going to start my regular workouts again starting next week, even if i have zero motivation, and i hope that will help. I am taking omega -3, and getting sun everyday.


I feel pretty overwhelmed by how much theRe is to do around the house. I want to EnJOY our new house, but everywhere i look there's something i need to do. I love my mom but she never knew how to relax and enjoy her house, and i dont want that to happen.


How do i get my oomph back?


I have gotten a lot of encouragement from parts of the book "After the boxes are unpacked". The thing that helps me is to remember this will pass...as far as house work goes I love FLY lady motto....work at it 15 minutes a day...everything will get done eventually that way and I can pat myself on the back for having accomplished my 15 minutes in the dinning room, living room, basement or where ever.


:grouphug: moving is very stressful...been through 9 in past 15 years....give yourself grace as you get back into your routines. You worked hard to establish them and they can work hard for you now.

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I have been in a funk, we moved when I got funky too. :/


I still need to unpack things and paint but it is so hard to feel motivated.


Tonight I put together some meals for the crockpot to freeze to help my day run a little more smoothly.


I also bought some smoothie ingredients, nuts, dried fruit and things to help give me energy.


We are looking for a gym to join, I have a degenerative disc in my back and I really need a lot of strengthening.

Edited by Sis
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I, personally, write out lists complete with due dates. Then, I can focus on what's due for today, and my mind is free to let the rest go until its due date.


I'd also schedule my day, with plenty of time for the things on the to-do list. If I don't have a plan in place, I spin my wheels and nothing gets done.

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