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US Women's Gymnastics team is Mean Girls? (funny)

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They definitely put in the time and effort to be "queen" for a few days. The Queen of England was born into it. I think they deserve some attention and kudos for what they do - definitely more than some "stars" on reality TV. What on earth does Ryan Seacrest have to do with Olympics, I'd like to know.

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I haven't seen Mean Girls, but I can imagine. Yeah, you could definitely sense a little 'tude and chilly air around there once in a while. A good bit of :glare:. I guess it's back to my issue, do they just never smile? Ever?:confused:


It's not just the US team, though.

Emoticons for gymnasts:



They are very young, though, I realize. I've seen older athletes win and lose worse. One reason I love Roger Federer is that he does both so well.

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I never got that feeling from Shawn Johnson, she always seemed so happy and excited just to be there.


Good point. True.


In looking at your signature i'd guess that your a dude. Sweet!! I thought I was the only one. Endangered species we are around here...... :D

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I have to say, I was extremely proud of how the American gymnasts handled themselves. They are all 16-17 years old, with TONS of pressure on them to perform. (Have you seen Marta Karoli?) Their whole life has been focused on these moments. For some of them, their family's financial future relies on their success in this meet. And they are out there making a point to look pleasant on the floor and give each other hugs in the moment, while still trying to maintain focus for their next event. It's more that some other teams did.


Everyone handles competition differently. Nastia went into her own little world, had her game face on, and did the job... but when you see her in interviews now she's happy and genuine.


Now they're in the limelight... and people are criticizing Gabby's hair (not "African American" enough,) and Aly's musculature (hello!? did you see her tumble?) I even saw a comment that the 37-yr old German woman in vault finals needs a "man test." Seriously? That woman moved to Germany so her son could get better treatment for his Leukemia! Some things really should be said in the privacy of your own living room.


Public persona does not always match private persona. In my experience, a 16-yr old girl is not going to act the same way when she's on the Olympic podium than when she's at school with her friends.


(Part of me did enjoy the "Mean Girls" thing, I just want to make sure people are taking it as a witty little joke, and not making harsh judgements against these young ladies.)


Rant over.

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