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post hgc diet

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I am looking for people who have done the hgc diet. How did this work for you? Did you keep the weight off after stopping the drops? I have family who have just started this diet who are showing dramatic weight loss in the first two weeks, but I am wondering what the long term picture looks like.


Thanks in advance!

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I know 2 people who did it. Both are regaining the weight and looking for something else. One is gaining more slowly, but still gaining. Neither are wanting to do it again. They both said it was very hard sticking with the low calorie plan and both are now looking into something more sustainable.


That said..... both did lose quite a bit of weight and were really happy with the initial results. Like many diet plans, they just couldn't keep it off.

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I lost 60 pounds. When I went off it, I did not do the maintenance like I was told to, I gained 10 back. I decided to not do the maintenance because I was going to go back on it in the fall. My dr wants me to lose another 50-60. Next time, I will do the maintenance. Everyone of my friends who did do the maintenance phase religiously, didn't gain more than 5 pounds back.


I bought drops from http://www.thetree4life.com/


That is my experience.

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I did it, not as written, lost very well, kept it off despite not doing maintenance. Then we were traveling and eating out WAY too much and I gained it all back plus some. Oh, I did injections.


My mom did it, mostly as written, and lost ALL her weight and has kept it off for a couple years now, doing mini-round (3weeks) per year or so. We made our own sublingual from the same as what I did injections with.


I cannot imagine buying the drops which often don't have ANY hCG in them. Well, I can see buying it; I just can't see calling it hCG or the hCG diet.

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They are buying these drops at Walmart I think.


So basically the key is to the maintenance, and maybe mini rounds? I am happy for my s-i-l and b-i-l because their weight was getting out of control, but I am nervous about what happens after the drops. I really really hope they can keep the weight off for their health sake.


Another question, a different s-i-l was saying she didn't want to try it because she was afraid it would mess up her metabolism. She is only pudgy around her middle, not obese. Is that true?

Edited by saraha
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ANY diet will fail if you return to the unhealthy eating habits that took you there to begin with!


I did the HCG diet last year and kept the weight off without too much effort-- I DID change the way I ate!


In January of this year I hurt my back and went on steroids... INSTANT 10 pounds. In March I went on a different medication for an immune disorder... INSTANT 10 pounds.


I've been doing a similar diet this time (HG3-- it is herbal with NO HCG) as well as taking AppeCarb (again natural). I've lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks.


When I'm done with this round and phase 2 my plan is to move on to a low carb diet and up the exercise (as the weather SHOULD be cooler by then). Currently it is too hot and there is too much dust in the air to exercise outside and I'm a big walker.

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Four women in my office have done this and loved it.


One did several rounds, lost a ton of weight, looks great and has kept it off. She watches what she eats and exercises.


Two have slowly been regaining (neither was careful about their diet after doing hcg) and have just started another round.


One has been regaining and I don't know if she intends to do another round or not.

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I know that weight is a commitment to a healthy diet, but I am so happy that they are doing something and if losing the weight fast helps motivate them to make the changes they desparately need to I am excited for them. I was wondering what to expect after they were done with the drops. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.

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