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Do you collect a lot of extra kids/teens?

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Right now we have 24ds (special needs), 16dd and 15dd living at home.


The other night ds's biological brother came in about 9pm with his adoptive brother (who was one of our former foster kids as a baby, now 17) and another friend........along with a TV and 2 more Xbox systems. I guess they decided to have a video game party at my house.


Tonight we have a 13 year old boy here for foster care respite and just got a call that ds's brother and his brother's friend wants to come over for the night.


Quite often we have another 13 year old boy here overnight. Dh is like a mentor to him and he is from a single mom family and mom is happy to let him spend 1-2 nights a week here.


Esp. in the summer, I can have 1-4 extra kids here overnight ranging in age from 13-21.


I figure it is not a problem as they all do behave, are helpful around the house (last time 2 of them even helped load 60 bales of hay for me), and at least I know where they are. There must be something about our house that makes them want to come here.

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Our new house is more inviting to kids. We moved here last September when a highway project took our old house and dozed it. While we miss our old neighbors/area (including 80 acres of land to use out our back door) this house is nice.


It doesn't look very big but main floor is small TV room, master suite, hearth room/dining/kitchen with a 1/2 bath and main floor laundry. Then upstairs are 2 bedrooms and a loft room and full bath for the girls. The basement houses a small office for dh and then the man cave area----a large bedroom for ds, a HUGE bathroom with washer/dryer hookups, a family room and another spare bedroom.


It is great as the girls have the run of the upstairs, the boys have the basement and dh and I have our master with bath on the main floor. Because our room is in the front of the house and the upstairs and downstairs bedrooms and family room are in the back of the house we don't have issues with noise, etc.


Add to this 5 acres of land to roam with a township park with playground, ball fields, hiking trails, and picnic area across the road and it isn't a bad place to be.

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I came down to breakfast today and found 11 kids, not 6. I got some lovely compliments on my pyjamas. :lol:


Yes, that is something to remember......make sure you are appropriately dressed before exiting the bedroom:D

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Yes. I have often been surprised in the morning when someone walks into the kitchen and I didn't know he/she had spent the night. But since my dc and their friends started driving, they have known that if their friends are here late that I would rather they spend the night instead of driving home in the wee hours. It just seems safer to me - as long as their parents knew and approved, of course. Besides, I like my dc's friends. I don't mind.


That continues into the college years, where they are all more independent, of course. I still ask that they let their parents know so they don't worry. Dh and I will go to bed and more young people will show up for a movie or video game time.


But now we often have young people (over 18 yo) living with us for periods of time, too. Sometimes is it for a month, or three months, or for a year, for a variety of reasons.


Right now, apart from our dc, we have a college student living with us for the summer. In addition to that, a couple months ago one of my dc's friends got married and it was a bad situation where they were living, so they asked if they could live with us for 7 or 8 months. They have a 2.5 yo dd, too. But you know, they are mature young people who are working very hard to be responsible. They just need someone to believe in them and be a supportive, listening ear. Besides, when a 21 yo young lady asks if she can hang out with you in the kitchen because she doesn't know how to cook, and she would like some girl time, how can I say no? They both came from difficult situations without much guidance or support and love their dd and want to be good parents. They are.


Dh and I figure that if we can help, or support, or mentor, or just befriend young people, we want to do it. It makes for a busy house, the loss of some privacy, and it increases costs, but it is worth it. Besides, when my dc are away at college, I appreciate the families who open their homes to my dc for holidays they can't come home and for breaks so they can get away from school. I feel blessed that we can do this.

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Yes. I have often been surprised in the morning when someone walks into the kitchen and I didn't know he/she had spent the night. But since my dc and their friends started driving, they have known that if their friends are here late that I would rather they spend the night instead of driving home in the wee hours. It just seems safer to me - as long as their parents knew and approved, of course. Besides, I like my dc's friends. I don't mind.


That continues into the college years, where they are all more independent, of course. I still ask that they let their parents know so they don't worry. Dh and I will go to bed and more young people will show up for a movie or video game time.


But now we often have young people (over 18 yo) living with us for periods of time, too. Sometimes is it for a month, or three months, or for a year, for a variety of reasons.


Right now, apart from our dc, we have a college student living with us for the summer. In addition to that, a couple months ago one of my dc's friends got married and it was a bad situation where they were living, so they asked if they could live with us for 7 or 8 months. They have a 2.5 yo dd, too. But you know, they are mature young people who are working very hard to be responsible. They just need someone to believe in them and be a supportive, listening ear. Besides, when a 21 yo young lady asks if she can hang out with you in the kitchen because she doesn't know how to cook, and she would like some girl time, how can I say no? They both came from difficult situations without much guidance or support and love their dd and want to be good parents. They are.


Dh and I figure that if we can help, or support, or mentor, or just befriend young people, we want to do it. It makes for a busy house, the loss of some privacy, and it increases costs, but it is worth it. Besides, when my dc are away at college, I appreciate the families who open their homes to my dc for holidays they can't come home and for breaks so they can get away from school. I feel blessed that we can do this.


I want to be you when I grow up :D

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