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Bible curriculum


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Does anyone have a good Bible study recommendation for me to do with my k and first grader? I am from anProtestant background and am looking for something to teach more character qualities. I would also love to incorporate learning hymns.



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Here are some character-based Bible curricula that I've acquired (in fact, I'm not sure which we'll use first!):


We Choose Virtues

Sword Fighting by Karyn Henley

Growing With Jesus by Andy Holmes


I plan to include these devos with a daily Bible story from a kid's Bible.

(ETA: I'll be doing these with a 6 and 4 year old)

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We do hymns by using accompaniment CDs and singing them, learning 1 verse a week. Here are the 2011 hymns we learned and the 2012 hymns we've learned/planned. We don't yet study any background, but we talk about the verse as we learn it so we know what we're singing. The Hymns for a Kid's Heart books are great for learning about the writers and reasons for the hymns.


For Bible, have you looked at Doorpost's materials? They have some Bible studies like the Put-On, Brother Offended, and If-Then materials.

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Sword Fighting would fit the character qualities. I bought it when my big kids were little, and even when we're not using it daily I keep it on the shelf for a handy reference. Just last night DH saw a common sore spot with the oldest two kids, and let out a "Where's Sword Fighting?" on his way through to talk to them about it.


For hymns we really enjoyed Then Signs My Soul by Robert Morgan. We'd choose a song, read the history, and work on it for a week or two. I kept tabs on the ones we'd really worked with so it was easy to flip back and review them. It doesn't have a disk, but we never failed to find them on YouTube.

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We used Leading Little Ones to God. While it is more a theology for small children is does a great job. There is a Bible verse at the end, a suggested extra reading of Bible, a Hymn written out, and a prayer. It is very well done.


Like I said, it's more explaining theology but I'll tell you it really helps explain difficult ideas.


Subjects are :

We cannot see God

God is One God

How sin came into the world

The Holy Spirit Has a Special work.....etc


There are 86 lessons. We have been using it for almost a year.

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I don't think anyone has mentioned Get Wisdom! by Ruth Younts. It is a book with 23 lessons about living for Jesus. We haven't used it yet, but we're going to start when our school year begins in August. It addresses a certain character quality in each lesson and provides a memory verse along with a definition, discussion questions and sometimes activities. I plan to do one chapter/week.


It covers character qualities such as...









and so on...

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I don't think anyone has mentioned Get Wisdom! by Ruth Younts. It is a book with 23 lessons about living for Jesus. We haven't used it yet, but we're going to start when our school year begins in August. It addresses a certain character quality in each lesson and provides a memory verse along with a definition, discussion questions and sometimes activities. I plan to do one chapter/week.


It covers character qualities such as...









and so on...


This books looks really good. When I read the preview it mentioned something about the Teacher's Guide. Is there another book that goes with it?

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This books looks really good. When I read the preview it mentioned something about the Teacher's Guide. Is there another book that goes with it?


I don't think there is a separate teacher's guide, but the second half of the book gives the discussion questions and activities.

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