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any advice for homeschooling this fall with twins due in September?

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I know some of you have twins, and I know many of you have homeschooled with a new baby in the house, and would love some advice. My youngest is three now, so when he was born, I was only schooling one, and she was 6.5 at the time and we weren't doing that much, really. But when the twins arrive I will have a 5th grader and a 2nd grader, as well as an active 3 year old, so it's a whole new ball game. What did you find worked the best when you had a new baby/babies?


Would love some ideas and suggestions. Thank you!

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Mindy- Our twins were our first so, my situation is a bit different from yours but we had 3 more after the twins.

Anytime a newborn comes into the homeschooling picture, a family needs to assess what is truly the most important - school wise, as well as the regular functioning of their home.

Eating, laundry and cleanliness were at the top for us for functionality.

Bible, Math and phonics/writing/grammar were at the top for school.


Work it best how it works best for YOU. Always try to remember the myriad of lessons the kids are learning by observing and participating in caring for the babies. No curriculum can replace those vitals lessons. AND, they're important. Extra-curricular activities and non-essentials shouldn't weigh you down with guilt. When our last one was born, history and science was relegated to on their own reading...I did plan what it would be but I wasn't participating, really.


Enjoy the blessing of your family, relish the sounds and sights of them all together. Ours are 30 down to 15 now and my dh and I both MISS those days very much. It was a joy.:)

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I haven't had the experience of more kids, but if yours turn out to be anything like my twins, then plan to direct all homeschooling pinned to the sofa while breastfeeding.


Good luck! I agree with what others are saying - keep it simple for academics. And maybe get enrichments that they can enjoy on their own like snap circuits or logic games or Brainpop or Reading Eggs.

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If at all possible, I would hire some help for a few months. A mother's helper wouldn't be very expensive, and you could probably find someone via your home school group if you have one. Don't forget that it doesn't have to be a girl; a boy can be just as helpful for keeping some of the kids active and entertained, and for general helping around the house (if you are interested in or open to a boy, I'd use wording other than mother's helper - handy helper?).


I would have everything planned out as much as possible. When things go nuts around here, we can still keep trucking as long as we just have to grab the books and go, but I can't plan in the midst of chaos.

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I honestly cannot imagine. My twins were born when my oldest was only a year old, and it was complete chaos for a full 6mos. I cannot imagine trying to school older children (or really do ANYthing other than baby care). I would agree with barebones, as independent as possible, and getting comfortable with the idea of not getting much school done at all this fall. Twins are a wonderful. I wouldn't trade mine for anything. But those first 6 months are INSANE.

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