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I said there was no drama on my FB!

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and I was so wrong! :lol:


Despite all the political issues in the past month or so that people felt strongly about everyone stayed polite and there was no arguing.




But a casual comment from someone(not me) about watching Dawson's Creek while sick and that Joey should have ended up Dawson and not Pacey and it is on!


It's all in fun and is obviously way less contentious than political or religious arguements. I love my FB friends. I think next up needs to be Spike vs. Angel. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by MrsBasil
My own idiocy.
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LOL, you never know what's going to spark a debate on FB!


The most contentious item on my page was whether or not it was right to kill spiders.


:lol: I hope it's OK. I leave most of them alone, because I don't want their creepy spider minions to come after but some of them are too big or too close for comfort!

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I was in an argument over whether or not there were any species before animals. What is really interesting is that I hold religious beliefs for how everything started and the person disagreeing with me is a very vocal evolutionist... who apparently believed that animals predated everything else... including monera and protista... it was an interesting argument in that "how can you continue to call me an idiot while arguing that animals were the first to evolve" sort of way. It was mystifying.

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Despite the friend who came out of the closet, revealed her relationship with another women, and that she was leaving her husband everyone stayed loving, supportive, or silent.



I hope this part is a joke and that no one actually supported someone doing this. Please tell me this was tongue in cheek. :confused:

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Don't ever bring up the Dawson/Pacey debate in my house. Dh was all for Dawson and I was all for Pacey. I think he was angry at me for a few days after Joey chose Pacey. ;) Needless to say, it's dangerous to bring it up here. :lol:


:DYay Pacey! Those Dawson fans sure are sore losers...:lol: j/k!!!

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I leave them alone....if they're outside ;)


My 3 year old gets upset and tells me it's mean, I have to do it on the sly or he think they are hurt and wants me to fix them. When he sees a bug in our house he tells me it's lost and we have to rescue it. :glare: :lol:

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and I was so wrong! :lol:


Despite all the political issues in the past month or so that people felt strongly about everyone stayed polite and there was no arguing.


But a casual comment from someone(not me) about watching Dawson's Creek while sick and that Joey should have ended up Dawson and not Pacey and it is on!


It's all in fun and is obviously way less contentious than political or religious arguements. I love my FB friends. I think next up needs to be Spike vs. Angel. :tongue_smilie:


Pacey, all the way. :D


Since by default Buffy can't have any kind of real physical relationship with Angel, it has got to be Spike, plus, Spike is way funnier. Truth be told, I am a Giles gal myself. ;)

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Pacey, all the way. :D


Since by default Buffy can't have any kind of real physical relationship with Angel, it has got to be Spike, plus, Spike is way funnier. Truth be told, I am a Giles gal myself. ;)



Seriously, people. Have we all forgotten Riley? Yes it was an annoying story line (though not as bad as the Glory story line) but how can he not be in the running. Buffy totally should have chosen him.






Giles fans - did you ever watch Manchild? Giles doing that?....http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0306353/

Edited by MSNative
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