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have you ever made a curriculum change....

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Education is about the teacher as well as the student. Yes, we like to do what works for our children but you're a partner in this enterprise as well. I would think that as long as the transition is a smooth one and you're not going to something the children don't like, then do what works for you and your kids. :D

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Yes ... I LOVE MEP for math for the dc, they like it, but when I had several at the elementary level, it was just TOO teacher-intensive for me to go through lessons every day with every child. So we went back to Singapore. The dc whined a little about going back, but they had done well with it before and it freed up the time I needed to pack/move/chase the toddler.

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Yes, I'm in this boat with my youngest. I'm switching up a few things because I've just BTDT too many times. If I don't see good progress/results I'm planning to pull the old things off the shelf. My youngest is K so I'll have time to make it up if it doesn't go well.

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No. If I am bored, I add to my own self-ed materials. However, I don't necessarily think it's wrong to change what your kids are using so long as they are progressing through skills and content in a thoughtful way. I do think it's a mistake if they are flitting from thing to thing without regard to the big picture of their education. Also, I don't think it's fair to change something they truly like and is working well for them just for a change of pace. But really, if they are game and their needs are being met, why not? I often say that curriculum should serve our needs 100/100, not 50/50. That means that what we use needs to work as well for me as it does for the kids and fulfill all of our needs completely.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Yep. From RightStart Math. My ds is on level D, so I have 4 levels of this way too expensive program. I haven't switched it for him, as he's doing so well with it. But, I started dd on level A last year, got most of the way through it and realized I just really, really didn't want to teach it all again, despite the fact that she was doing well with it. Now she's doing Singapore instead.

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Yes, every year because I'm easily bored. The math and english stay constant, but everything else has to interest me first and then line up with the kid's needs and styles. However, I no longer switch mid-year if they struggle or are disinterested. We put it aside and try again a few weeks later.

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