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WWYD Building/Water question

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Dh got a quote for a well: $3275.00.


The composting toilet will be $1500.


For just over half of that again we can have running water. But still no septic system. So we would still need the composting toilet. (And still have to remove gray water manually.) We could have both but it would put us 2.5 months behind our intended move out of this house date. Which is mid December and more than likely snow on the ground and lots of cold. I don't like moving when it is cold out.


We could have the well drilled in December but I"m not sure if they will do it if the ground is frozen. Anyone know?


I suppose the best thing to do is keep on as planned.


I don't want to borrow money.

I don't want to borrow money.

I don't want to borrow money.


Any thoughts? Do you see anything I'm missing? At least we have a number to work with now.

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Pretty sure they can't dig a well if the ground is frozen. I seem to remember my parents having to wait for thaw to get theirs dug.


I guess the ? would be, how much is it to put in a septic? The composting toliet would be replaced anyways, and (forgive the pun) seems like you would be flushing $ away on that when you'd have to replace it sooner or later.

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No doubt, you have asked these questions but they come to mind.


Have you gotten county approval NOT to have a septic system?

Have you planned for placement of the well vis-avis the septic system?

Have you asked the well digger to quote for winter drilling?(I know they can drill thru rock over here so frozen ground is likely doable but the cost increases. Oh, and wells always cost MORE than the estimate, in my experience.Something always 'comes up'!)

Are you going to want to deal with gray water, really?


Building projects test one's mettle!! Good luck.

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How about just getting the well and holding off on the official toilet. Perhaps this sounds crazy BUT I bought this simple toilet seat that snaps on a 5 gallon bucket (like what sheetrock mud comes in). We had a blockage for a few days and we used it in the house without any smell. I brought in another bucket of mulch and everyone covered there waste once done and then it was dumped later, as I said it was still odorless after 2 days. My friend has a similar set-up in a camper and they have people in there quite often(her dad visits several times a year). Just throwing out another option. Then perhaps you could use that money to finish the running water. Personally I'd much rather have that then the septic. Fwiw if you like peruse Humanure if you haven't already and are open minded to the idea. Personally it wouldn't bother me but dh wasn't keen on the idea, even if it was an official composting toilet.

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