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Resource for picture study?


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Is there a resource for picture study, that is set up like in FLL? I am looking only for the picture study part. I am looking for something with some questions about the picture and links where we can see the picture in color. It would be nice to have a little information about the artist as well. Is such a resource available?


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I like the Come Look With Me series of book for picture study. Each two page spread has a color print, discussion questions, and artist bio.


Thanks for reminding me!! :D I just picked up a few of these at a used-curriculum sale!

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Is this for art or writing?


Picture study takes on some different forms.


For writing, there is a vintage textbook with questions to ask. From those questions, you write your paragraph or sentence. I believe that it is Sheldon's that uses picture study for narration.


For art, you don't need resources per se. You can make your own art cards with cardstock. I do. You can use this list to discuss the work of art .... here

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I was really looking for something for art, but a little extra writing won't hurt my kids. At first I was looking for plain old picture study. But now when I look at all the possibilities I might have to change my mind! :D


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I like this free resource site:




There is a brief biography of the artist, a couple of paintings, sometimes a coloring page (of one of their works) and a meet-the-artist printable page too.


There is also a site for composers....I think it is makingmusicfun, but I could look it up if anyone wanted it.


I have all of this and other sites I like under The Arts on my blog (amindinthelight).

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Is this available online?


I went through my notes, just for you ...


Google Books - The first title is Primary Language Lessons. As a matter of fact, your first picture study is "kites", and your first lesson is about statements. :)


There are lots of grammar tidbits. You work with the "kites" over several lessons.


It was the first where I had seen a picture study used for narration and study.

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Simply Charlotte Mason has picture study portfolios that look terrific.




I ordered two of these and they are perfect-exactly what I was looking for. They have nice prints and a book with info on the artist and the prints. We do about one per week and leave it displayed all week. My kids have really enjoyed it!

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