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Dear Memoria Press.

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Oh, I know what you mean. My catalog came and I've been caressing it's sweet cover. But, I need to pout because much of what I think looks really interesting, First Form Latin, First Form French, some of the newer literature guides, etc. are for younger students than mine or for literature we've already covered so I can't justify buying anything and satisfying my curriculum junkie addiction.


We use a lot of Great Courses, MIT opencourseware, and college texts for high school so they get handed down from one kid to the next and I'm not buying the amount of curriculum that I used to. This hurts me quite deeply! I actually (with the permission of the dear woman) stalked the parsonage last summer on the day UPS arrived so I could be there our dear pastor's wife opened up her Rainbow Resource order for their eldest child who was 5....I really, really needed to sniff and caress those phonics books, math manipulatives, and nature readers. Sigh..........I wonder if she'll let me stalk the UPS man at her house this year! :D


I only have a couple of new things coming...some astronomy dvd lectures from The Great Courses, a non-algebra based calculus course for the 12 year old (Newton's Apple and it's sequels), and a new copy of the Illiad because ours was in pretty poor shape. The MIT stuff I either already had or downloaded some additional readings to my Kindle (cost effective but does not abate the DT's I experience from lack of buying books).


I live vicariously through others now and sometimes I hate that we've got all these wonderful high school courses already in house because not doing curriculum research is slowly killing me. I might die when the last one graduates. Maybe by then dd will be married and have a child so I can start bossing her around about curriculum for her infant! :lol::lol:



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I want one of everything they sell, and I don't even have littles anymore.:D I'm anxiously awaiting a book they are publishing about classical education with special needs kids. I hate waiting! Meanwhile, the catalog will keep me busy.

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I want one of everything they sell, and I don't even have littles anymore.:D I'm anxiously awaiting a book they are publishing about classical education with special needs kids. I hate waiting! Meanwhile, the catalog will keep me busy.


The Cheryl Swopes book - I am waiting for this as well...I so wish I was going to their conference tomorrow and could hear the class she is doing, along with the others...I am going to plan to go next year, and I will be sad Wed - Fri this week knowing the conference is going on without me :sad:

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I wish I was there too. Maybe next year... Hopefully they will get good recordings this year! They were looking for a few people to look over the book before they release it. I don't know if they have enough, but it might be worth it to send them an email.:001_smile:


The Cheryl Swopes book - I am waiting for this as well...I so wish I was going to their conference tomorrow and could hear the class she is doing, along with the others...I am going to plan to go next year, and I will be sad Wed - Fri this week knowing the conference is going on without me :sad:
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