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Anyone received AP scores via mail yet?

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Some students on the west coast are reporting that they have received their grade reports in the mail. Our experience from previous years is that the snail mail reports are received first on the west coast and then it spreads gradually from west to east across the country. We received ours the past 2 years on the 10th or 11th of July.

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Sandy, Moira, Anne, others...


Did your scores arrive today? Ds's came and he got a 5 in Statistics. Let me just plug this as one of the easiest AP tests for mathy-type kids. He did the course completely on his own, and it took no more time than a regular class. He was also self-studying for Calculus AB and Biology, but didn't feel confident enough to take the tests. Considering his score in Statistics, maybe I should have pushed him. Oh well, extremely happy here!:D

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Score arrived today in IN. DS was disappointed with his Chem score...he'll take it again next spring.


I'm sorry to hear he was disappointed. (After my daughter did an at home course in Chemistry, we decided against the SATII in that subject as it looked fairly daunting. We didn't even consider the AP exam.) I wish him all the best for his second attempt.




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My daughter is signed up for the PA Homeschoolers class in Statistics this coming year. May I ask what text or other materials he used?



His main text was Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore and McCabe, 3rd ed. (which is pretty old, but I bought it at a thrift shop for $1!!! so very exciting for me:001_smile:) The College Board had an AP syllabus online for this book which also incorporated the Against All Odds video series at Annenberg's site (not sure if that syllabus is still posted or not). He also used the Barron's AP book to practice for the actual test.


I'm sure the PA Hsers class will be very good. We didn't have the money in our budget for that last year, so ds did the independent study thing (and it worked out, hurray!)


Blessings to you and dd!

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Score finally came here today--ds was very relieved and happy to see the score (physics B) since he had a big "flub" during the test. Unfortunately this score doesn't really count for anything; he's taking the "C" exams next year. He did it as an end of the year test, and good prep for next year. I guess it was good prep; now he knows that even if he messes up he can re-do and still finish with a great result. This was the first test he's ever come away from feeling awful (how sad, right? :tongue_smilie:) I'm kind of glad he had some trouble with it; now maybe he can sympathize w/siblings a little more. And I'm afraid college won't be such a breeze, either!

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We got dd's score yesterday (Chicago area). This reminds me of that website that tracks butterfly migrations--AP migrations.:001_smile:I couldn't wait, tho, and had called a couple of weeks ago;)


Okay, brag--dd got a 5 on AP Human Geography. I don't see this course discussed much, but I highly recommend it for consideration. It's like an intro sociology course with maps and international issues added. She did it as much out of interest as to score college credit. I wanted her to have the practice in testing on a more challenging topic.


Interestingly, one of the FRQs on the test was a "gotcha" questions--it asked about a model that had been discussed extensively, but usually by a different name. The name they called the model in the exam was only called by that name in one sentence of one of the three recommended texts! Dd did NOT recognize it on the exam and was convinced she'd blown the whole question.


Apparently plenty of other kids did too, or she answered it well enough, or something. Moral of the story--it's important to wait for the scores to see how you really did.


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We're still waiting for scores here in Florida. I'm beginning to wonder if somehow, they didn't end up at the school despite homeschool codes. :glare: Though, believe it or not, I'm not on pins and needles. Ds won't even be back for two weeks - - do I dare open his scores without him?



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Scores just arrived in this afternoon's mail (West Coast location). My daughter was thrilled with scores of 4 in Comparative Government & Politics and 5 in Latin Literature.


Wow, Kareni, she did this as a junior? Latin Lit sounds soooo hard. I'd love to say that it's a goal for us (ha, I just mis-typed "goal" and wrote "gaol" instead. I think it's a Freudian slip!), but in truth I think it's more of a dream than a reachable goal. Hats off to your dd.

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Hey, FloridaLisa. The scores all go to the student homes. So even if that school code was messed up you'd still get your son's scores at home.



We're still waiting for scores here in Florida. I'm beginning to wonder if somehow, they didn't end up at the school despite homeschool codes. :glare: Though, believe it or not, I'm not on pins and needles. Ds won't even be back for two weeks - - do I dare open his scores without him?



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His main text was Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by Moore and McCabe, 3rd ed. (which is pretty old, but I bought it at a thrift shop for $1!!! ...


The PA Homeschoolers Statistics class will be using The Practice of Statistics, Yates, Daniel S., Moore, David S., and Starnes, Daren S. (2003) Second Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman and Co. I'm guessing that the Moore is the same one in both texts. (I'd have loved to have found this text for $1.00; however, I ended up ordering it from an online bookseller for, shall we say, significantly more! ... or should it be, significantly Moore!?)


Best wishes to you too!



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Wow, Kareni, she did this as a junior? Latin Lit sounds soooo hard. I'd love to say that it's a goal for us (ha, I just mis-typed "goal" and wrote "gaol" instead. I think it's a Freudian slip!), but in truth I think it's more of a dream than a reachable goal. Hats off to your dd.


Thanks, Lynne! I can't really take any credit as she's taken Latin since 8th grade at a homeschooling resource center; her Latin teacher has such enthusiasm that I believe she could make the phone book sound exciting. My daughter is going to take AP Latin Literature again this coming year with a different focus (Ovid versus Cicero). This coming year is the last year where there will be multiple AP Latin exam possibilities; the following year the only AP Latin exam will focus on Virgil. My daughter hopes to major in Latin/the Classics when she goes on to college ....




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We just got our daughter's for World History (grade 10). She was so disappointed. She'd worked so hard and was hoping to get a 5 (she got a 4). We've never done AP before, but she was asking me, how does she know where she struggled the most? There's no feedback on the report and the components aren't broken down so you figure it out. Is there some way to get feedback? Sandy

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Is there some way to get feedback?


I don't think there's much. You can get your free response booklet, but it has no comments or grading. You can request a rescore of the multiple choice, if you think you should have done better. But that's about it. We felt this way last year. Ds made a 4 on Comp Sci AB. We kept wondering, "Hmm...what was wrong?" We're still wondering, because I believe that he really knew his stuff well. But 4 is still a great score, and we've just tried to say, "Oh well." It would be nice if you could look at a detailed report, as with the SAT. After working so hard to prepare, you really want to know what you didn't get right.

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