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You reading vs Audio Books


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Do you feel like there is a difference between an audio book and the parent doing the read aloud? My kids are really enjoying both, but there is a major convenience factor to being able to listen to our books in the car. We will probably continue to do a mix but just curious if anyone thought one was better than the other.

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I think reading is better because it's easy to stop and explain the meanings of words and give explanations of things kids might not fully understand. You could pause an audio book and do that in the car. But my daughter likes to listen to audio books on an mp3 player, so she misses out on those explanations.

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Do you feel like there is a difference between an audio book and the parent doing the read aloud? My kids are really enjoying both, but there is a major convenience factor to being able to listen to our books in the car. We will probably continue to do a mix but just curious if anyone thought one was better than the other.


For me I'm more likely to stop the book and have a good conversation if I'm reading. It's easier to stop the book to answer questions, or re-read the same bit again and again - as kids requested.


We also do audio books. But I try to save the audio books for books I can't read aloud very well (Accents, or many characters ) or ones I have already read aloud.

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With my children still being young, I like being able to stop and talk (or to remind the little ones to be good listeners:)). I would say there is benefit to doing both. Kids aren't always going to be able to stop someone to explain something, but it is nice if they have the opportunity sometimes. We also listen to books in the car when I can't read to them (we all have a tendency to get car sick:().

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Do you feel like there is a difference between an audio book and the parent doing the read aloud? My kids are really enjoying both, but there is a major convenience factor to being able to listen to our books in the car. We will probably continue to do a mix but just curious if anyone thought one was better than the other.


There are benefits to both.


I like the audiobooks for the convenience while in the car, to save my voice, and also when there might be challenging pronunciations.


What I love about reading to my children is changing my tone to reflect the text. The kids know what my normal voice is, but reading aloud allows them to hear my odd Harry Potter accent, my Owl and the Pussycat sing-song voice, or my attempt at Sir Lancelot... so, basically, the different expressive aspects of speech compared to my standard voice/intonations.

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I agree with the PP's that it is best for me to read and be able to explain as we go along. However, I cannot read the extent to which they listen to audio books and stories. Originally we got audios to wean my oldest off of the TV she watched too much of when my twins were born. The audios are also good for stories they want to hear over and over again. But nothing beats snuggling on the sofa together with a book.

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when there might be challenging pronunciations.


My silent reading and writing vocabulary is more advanced than my speaking vocabulary, after decades of not being exposed to real life enriching activities. The plethora of high quality audio and video resources now available is very helpful in my own self-education, and for my tutoring students.

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Do you feel like there is a difference between an audio book and the parent doing the read aloud? My kids are really enjoying both, but there is a major convenience factor to being able to listen to our books in the car. We will probably continue to do a mix but just curious if anyone thought one was better than the other.


I think both are the same, although it is more memorable in the long-run to snuggle and read aloud together. I've seen amazing results in DD from audiobooks. Also, I refuse to re-read books more than once or twice. If there were no audiobooks, I would have refused to read aloud Princess and the Goblin more than twice, but with the audio version, Dd has listened to it at least 10 times. She has no problems picking up any book to read, even LOTR as a 6 year old. There is no way for me to read aloud 8 hours per day, but our iPod is almost always on. Also, I limit Dd's reading to only a couple of hours per day, so audiobooks are essential for us.


My immigrant friends would have a hard time reading aloud, but following the book together while listening to the audiobook is the best course for them. Not every word has to be defined; I find that most kids learn the meaning of words within context. I find that some people can be very insensitive to immigrants IRL, warning them that only a parent reading aloud is the best.

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I feel like they're basically the same in terms of kids processing the story. There's something nice about audiobooks for convenience and ability to re-listen to the story in the same manner. There's something nice about cuddling up and being able to really talk about a book that you're reading aloud. Some audio renditions are so good that I think they add something. Other books I think I read aloud really well myself.

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